Zaf: Campaign for the "yes" in the referendum – Political News


Before announcing the date of the referendum on the Prespa agreement, Zoran Zayev seems to have launched his campaign for "Yes."

By posting on his personal Twitter account, he began trying to persuade public opinion saying yes to northern Macedonia

In the tweet of Chalkidiki, where he was found on weekends for the holidays, he declares that with the approval of the agreement with Greece, his fellow citizens guarantee the "Macedonian" language and identity and use erga omnes.

"Macedonian language and citizens -protège and strengthened. Macedonian identity is erga omnes. The official language of our country is Macedonian and will be like all the languages ​​of the world. The language will be used freely anywhere, in HEB, NATO, EE, in all official institutions and events. "

# Macedonian јазк и народ – заштини и зајакнати! The Macedonian Identity, erga omnes

The official language of our country is the Macedonian language, just of the world. # NATO [19659007] # NATO #EU official institutions and investments. Also, a few days before publishing the photo posted a video in which he talks about reinforcement rBnhkX5Q7W

– Zoran Zaev (@Zoran_Zaev) of "Macedonian" national and cultural identity forever

"We have chosen the future with more hope and of Prosperity for all We have a historic solution in which we support the Macedonian identity, "he says and continues:" This agreement will confirm and strengthen the Macedonian national and cultural identity once and for all. on the future of Macedonia. "[19659011] We define the future of prosperity and prosperity for the future! We have a historic decision, what do we think of Macedonian identity!

So, you were contracted and created the Macedonian ethnicity and cultural identity, one at a time

Let's say YES about the Macedonian natives!

– Zoran Zayev (@Zoran_Zaev) June 29, 2018

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