Greg Abbott of Texas reaffirms ban on vaccination warrants as judge rules against ban on mask warrants


On the same day, Texas Governor Greg Abbott reissued his ban on vaccination warrants and passports, a judge ruled against his ban on mask warrants, issuing a temporary injunction, according to reports.

District Court Judge Tonya Parker said in her ruling that the mask ban violates the authority of Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins to prioritize public health during the coronavirus pandemic, FOX 4 reported at Dallas. (In Texas, county judges are equivalent to county executives.)

Abbott’s executive order bans a requirement for shooting even though it is fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration, as the Pfizer vaccine was this week, according to the Texas Tribune.

The governor’s previous ordinance prohibited vaccine warrants only for products subject to emergency approval.

Parker’s injunction will likely be appealed to the Texas Court of Appeals and Supreme Court.


“It’s a victory for the humans who live in Dallas County against the virus,” Jenkins said of the decision, according to the Dallas Morning News. “I hope we’re all going to take off our red hats and blue hats and put on our human hats and listen to the medics.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott speaks in Austin, June 8, 2021 (Associated Press)

Texas Governor Greg Abbott speaks in Austin, June 8, 2021 (Associated Press)

Abbott spokeswoman Renae Eze said in a statement: “Governor Abbott’s determination to protect the rights and freedoms of all Texans has not wavered. The attorney general’s office has successfully defended governor’s orders in the past, and we are confident they will. so again. “

Jenkins recently issued an emergency order requiring people to wear masks inside county buildings, public schools and businesses, according to FOX 4.

The governor is also said to have planned to add the issue of the vaccine mandate to the currently busy special session of the Texas legislature.

“Vaccine requirements and exemptions have historically been determined by the legislature, and their implication is particularly important in avoiding a patchwork of vaccine mandates across Texas,” Abbott said in a statement, the Tribune reported.

Its ordinance says “no government entity” can require the vaccine, but keeps exceptions for places like nursing homes.

Abbott himself is vaccinated and has encouraged Texans to get vaccinated.


The legislature is in its second extraordinary session with 17 items already on the agenda. Quorum was finally restored in the House after dozens of Democrats staged a weeks-long walkout in an attempt to prevent the passage of a controversial voting rights bill.


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