Groups call for end to age discrimination in rationing of identity care / Public Information Service


BOISE, Idaho – Hospitals in Idaho are rationing care amid pandemic pressure. Some groups question the use of age as one of the determinants of who receives medical care, or to what extent.

A flood of COVID-19 patients has pushed Idaho to implement its “Standards of care in a crisis” guidelines. In the event of scarce resources, the standards say, the focus should be on saving as many “years of life” as possible. This could cause hospitals to choose to save a younger person, as it is assumed they have more years to live, said Lupe Wissel, state director of AARP Idaho.

“I understand the need for crisis standards for care, absolutely,” he said. “However, any health care decision should be made on the basis of individualized medical assessments of patients, their situation and objective medical evidence. Age should not and should never be used as a factor in making these very difficult medical decisions. “

According to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, ensuring that patients are not discriminated against because of their age or other factors – such as race, religion or disability – is a guiding principle for patient care.

In September, the Justice in Aging group filed a civil rights lawsuit against Idaho over its crisis care standards, asking the US Department of Health and Human Services to investigate Idaho’s plan. . Wissel said doctors make decisions based on objective medical evidence all the time.

“Every life is valuable,” he said. “You shouldn’t take the number of years someone has lived or someone to guess how many years they have left, etc. No, that shouldn’t come into play.”

Hospitalizations and deaths continue to rise in Idaho. The state remains one of the least vaccinated in the country, with about 53% of people aged 12 and over fully vaccinated.

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