Grove City Woman Identified as Dead Legionary Patient in Mount Carmel Grove City – News – The Columbus Dispatch


A Grove City woman has been identified as the patient with legionellosis who died during an outbreak at Mount Carmel Grove City Hospital, where most water restrictions were lifted on Thursday. .

Deanna "Dee" Rezes, 75, died Sunday at the hospital, where she was admitted on May 28 with flu-like symptoms, according to Matthew Wolf, a lawyer representing her family who confirmed her identity on Thursday. She was diagnosed on May 31 with legionnaire's disease and died Sunday.

Rezes was part of at least 14 patients aged 50 to 90 years old in whom a diagnosis of legionellosis had been diagnosed at the hospital on Thursday in the middle of the afternoon. Franklin County Public Health has stated that the official cause of Rezes' death has not yet been determined.

She had been married for 60 years with Thomas Rezes and had four married sons, Jeff, Tim, James and Joe; 16 grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren. A celebration of life will take place for her from 5pm to 7pm. Friday at the Christian Fellowship Vineyard, 3005 Holt Road, Grove City.

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On May 18, Rezes went to Mount Carmel Grove City Hospital, suffering from respiratory disorders and diagnosed as pulmonary hypertension, Wolf said. She was treated with medication and released, but began to decline and had to be taken back to the hospital by an emergency team on May 28.

Wolf said that he was trying to help the family get answers.

"They are sad and mourning and a little confused, how does this happen?" Wolf said. "They really want answers, they're entitled to it, we'll find out what happened."

Officials at Mount Carmel Grove City have stated that they expect all water restrictions imposed on the new $ 361 million facility as a result of the outbreak to be removed from the community. here the end of the week.

According to Dr. Richard Streck, Clinical Operations Manager, the water from floors 2 to 7, including all patient floors, can now be safely used after installing temporary filters. Water filters are "an extremely effective barrier to the transmission of Legionnaires' disease," he said in a statement.

On Thursday afternoon, water restrictions were still in effect on the first floor and the lower level of the hospital because the faucets on these two floors had different characteristics and that the acquisition adapted water filters took longer.

Nearly 2,000 water filters have been put in place, Dr. Amy Acton, director of the Ohio Department of Health, told reporters on Thursday. Acton said that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials assured him of the quality of the filters.

The source of the epidemic has not yet been determined, she said.

Mount Carmel tested the water in Grove City in February, but a delay in the opening of the hospital caused a build-up of water in the pipes and could have contributed to the The epidemic, said Rebecca Fugitt, deputy director of the Office of Environmental Protection and Radiation Protection Department of Health. The hospital opened on April 28.

Acton said the number of diagnoses should increase because Legionnaires' disease has an incubation period of up to 15 days. The first cases were confirmed on May 30th and 31st.

During the restricted period of water use, patients could not shower and used only bottled water and bagged ice. The hospital has put its water supply system through a series of disinfection measures.

Acton said that Ohio could do more to prevent these outbreaks, including developing a licensing program for hospitals and updating plumbing regulations.

"We will learn from that," she says.

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