GTA 6 Hack or great coincidence? Investigation into the latest theory of GTA Online


It is a dirt road that looks like a Roman numeral. In the doldrums of the Grand Theft Auto hype cycle, that alone is enough to get you excited. Here are the basics: Rockstar has released a typically cryptic teaser for their next batch of GTA Online

content. In it, the still-elusive company revealed that the upcoming expansion will add a new landmass to the existing map of Los Santos, possibly in the form of an offshore island. During this teaser, the coordinates “38,527, -79,6129” appear briefly on the screen. Throw those numbers into Google Docs and you’ll see Middle Mountain Trail, right on the shaggy border between Virginia and West Virginia. Zoom out and take it all. There is a hairpin bend that, when viewed from a precise angle, appears to form a “V” then an “I.” VI VI.


Grand Theft Auto is a series filled to the brim with countless Easter eggs, conspiracies and urban legends. But this, a potential GTA 6 announcement confirmed by literal geography, looks by far the most cheeky.

Before we dive into all of this, we need to cover a few caveats. Would Rockstar really announce something as massive as a new Grand Theft Auto game through an arcane treasure hunt rolled out in a trailer for a seven-year-old game? It’s extremely unlikely that the cosmopolitan franchise is heading to the Agrarian Appalachians anyway. So why would the company pick a random Virginia township to leave a clue? Is it just a gigantic coincidence? Were these coordinates randomly added by a video editor as an extra flavor, only for the desperate wishful thinking of the GTA fandom to fill in the gaps?

Perhaps this is intentional, as Rockstar rarely does things by accident, and it precisely means nothing.

Or maybe it’s intentional, because Rockstar rarely does things by accident, and that precisely means nothing. At this point, the development of GTA 6 is a poorly kept secret. Maybe Rockstar just wanted to play with their fans.

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Another frequent poster is a skeptic. He watched this so-called “VI” long and hard, and wasn’t able to see what everyone is seeing. “It looks more like an N or an inverted Z,” he said in an interview with IGN. “The coordinates probably have something to do with the upcoming GTA Online DLC, which is disappointing, but expected.”

That said, even the most ardent GTA skeptics can’t help but theorize next. The poster has its own pet theory. In the future, he explains, maybe Rockstar will take a trip to those coordinates to emboss a definitive and unambiguous Grand Theft Auto badge for all to see. “Maybe they are in cahoots with Google Maps and will ask for an update of the satellite image after changing the roads in this area,” he explains. “Which would be really interesting for GTA VI.”

All of this avoids the most likely scenario – that Rockstar just wanted to have a little fun, and the eventual announcement of the next Grand Theft Auto will materialize in a much more conventional fashion. I guess in the years to come you’ll wake up, pick up your phone, and find a 90-second trailer that’s already bouncing around your timeline. All the memories of the Middle Mountain Trail will fade in, as the world gets the first glimpse of the game they’ve been waiting for. But Grand Theft Auto fanatics are used to these wild goose chases. There is still a vibrant community dedicated to unraveling the mysteries surrounding Mount Chilliad in Grand Theft Auto V. (By the way, we never found BigFoot in San Andreas.) Those legends, clues and gestures that oscillate between myth and reality, is what makes the GTA franchise so impenetrable. As frustrating as the wrong direction can be, the folks in r / GTA6 live for this stuff.

“Fans love Rockstar games and want everything to come out of them, but the company makes that difficult to do because they put so much detail and little mysteries that evolve over time,” says the frequent poster. “I think they realized people really liked them as early as GTA Vice City, where there were Scarface plots appearing somewhere in that game. Rockstar blew up. [with their crypticness] for the last matches. With their popularity, this leads to more frank theorizing communities, while others are more reserved. “

The mod agrees. They tell me this Virginia diversion will be just another part of the tradition. With just a handful of Google Map coordinates, Rockstar is able to set its followers on fire. “It’ll be a fun thing to look back on in about 10 years,” they say. By then, the subdirectory will likely have moved to the next urban legend.

Luke Winkie is a writer and former pizza maker in Brooklyn. Follow him on Twitter.


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