GTA Online Tank dodges rocket in accidental play of a lifetime


Grand Theft Auto Online saw a lot of car and motorcycle stunts, but one player pulled off a crazy trick while driving a huge tank.

A Grand Theft Auto Online player driving a tank accidentally pulled off a once in a lifetime stunt, and they luckily shared it online. There is still a lot of activity in Grand Theft Auto Vonline mode thanks to the recent release of the Cayo Perico Heist at the end of December. The update, presented as the most important Grand Theft Auto story by developer Rockstar North, has a lot to offer players. Along with the titular new mission, the update includes a concert hall with a rotating DJ set, twenty new vehicles to acquire, and even a trio of additional weapons.

Over the years, more and more players have appreciated this GTA Online has to offer, performing stunts in the streets of Los Santos has become a common pastime. Some choose to master the physics of unusual vehicles like rocket motorcycles, driving them through tunnels and under highways for an unlikely amount of time. Others take to modding on insanely tall ramps, then toss cars out of them just to push the limits of Rockstar’s RAGE engine. No matter what the stunt, the community is always quick to reward those who pull off wild feats they’ve never seen before.

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GTA Online User Durzax pulled off a unique move the developers probably never wanted. In a video of their stunt posted to Reddit, players can see Durzax stalking the streets in a tank during a multiplayer match. Another player with a rocket launcher tries to end their fun, but thanks to the game’s craziest physics laws, the tank is nimble enough to move around, allowing the tank driver to punish his foe for his transgressions. against the surprisingly machine fleet warfare. It’s a movement that would be quite at home on a downbeat reel:

While driving is a big part of the Grand Theft Auto series, tanks are not the focus of the crime simulator, at least in single player campaigns. This is especially true compared to games like Halo or Battlefield, which have much more refined heavy-duty controls that allow movement and control over definition. Tank controls in GTA games, each time they appear, are much more wobbly and imprecise, and that extends to GTA Online. This makes the dodge rocket inside a tank all the more impressive.

Anyone who has never logged in GTA Online might be surprised that there are even tanks to drive, but the game has grown tremendously since its debut many years ago. Players with hundreds of millions of dollars can buy all kinds of vehicles, manage buildings, play games, and take part in more heists and then get included in the main campaign. Its ever-expanding reach is one of the reasons players aren’t playing yet. Grand Theft Auto VI, although this game is supposed to be in development now. One wonders only if the insane energy of the online component of the open-world franchise will translate into a new single-player campaign or if it will remain limited to multiplayer when the game finally arrives.

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Grand Theft Auto Online is available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Source: Durzax Changes Blizzard Updates Explained

Explanation of all changes in Blizzard

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