What is that laughter that is contagious? Sometimes you can not stop smiling when you hear or see it. Last September, an elderly couple from Iowa broadcast laughter and joy on the Internet. Their act of random happiness at the Mayo Clinic hit You Tube and made more than 6 million people smile. And that, say Francis and Marlow Cowan, is what keeps them young.
47 thoughts on “Happiness becomes viral”
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This lovely couple is inspiring with their positive attitude and spreading laughter to others. Many people assume that it is god or belief in a god that is the reason for their attitude and all that is good about life. What many atheists understand is that we can all be happy and have positive attitudes and live good lives simply because we are human, we are social animals and we all have that choice to live positively.
how inspiring my grandson wants to jump out of a plane with me said yep we,l do it said to him i wanna am gonna do it before i get to old haha im learning Have God in your life Pray everyday keep positive hate negativity avoid it like the plague laugh have a good laugh watch comedys stay alert help other ppl share give love life look at the beauty in everything children nature animals old people sunsets just be positive in God to me personally thats the key for me that is my different for other ppl but thats what i live by beautiful old couple in this vid their lovely God Bless them and their family xox
Marlo passed in 2016…
I loved it….how cool is that? Hope those folks are still around, over 6 years ago now….Bless their hearts!!
This was so wonderful. I loved all the performances that they did. God bless them both wherever they are.
it's Herman! from the newspaper comics page!
Great couple!! Way to make this fun couple boring with a terrible news report…
Thank you for the update on this wonderful couple.
I love you both! What a great example of Love <3
It's amazing how sharp they seem at their age. Sure, they may not know what YouTube is, but they're well spoken and are not stuttering. Very active too. They just have a very positive outlook and it seems to have helped them physically.
諺にもあるように。 "我々は、理由のために、ここですべてです。"この老夫婦は、ここにいると、世界中の笑顔の何百万を与えるため、その主な理由の一つを満たしている!彼らの素晴らしい!私は、彼らがより多くを与えるように長生きを願っています!
Like the saying goes. "We are all here for a reason."
This old couple has met one of their main reason for being here and giving millions of smiles all over the world! Their awesome! I hope they live longer to give many more!
Anybody ID that duet piece being played?
What a cute elderly couple doing what they love, which is music! God bless them always!
Of course theyre from Iowa! 3
Awesome attitude towards life, a true testimony towards the secret to an awesome life
What an AWEsome lady! They're in perfect unison. She nailed it.."God must have a sense of humor!" So true.
They play better music than today's "musicians". And have more showmanship. LOL
These two are beasts!!!!
@Dreamer25Yup – which lady in the beginning, the newsanchor? how come?
Ahh! "I think God has a sense of humor." Yes! And He wants everyone to enjoy music, have fun together, bring other people together, and eenjoy the wonderful things in life!
That is the best free concert I have ever seen. I love these two! Thanks for sharing with those of us not lucky enough to see it in real life!
now that's the INVISIBLE yet INSEPARABLE CONNECTION. cuuuuuute! God bless them!
1 dislike… From another 90 year old man (who does know what youtube is) that got turned down by that sweet gal 65 years ago…
What an adorable couple!
What a lovely couple
So entertaining
@kickassneilum fuck God!
I saw the original video before seeing this clip that it truly did go viral. Happiness is exactly what I took from their video. They are doing great in life — positive, happy and active. Gray Power!
see??? loves does exists! you can find it in old happy couples like them
hes like the happiness old man ive ever seen
God bless them
When are they touring the UK?
There always has to be a scientific guy that's serious and thinks that he knows everything
i hope too…
Love love love this couple!!!
So cool what theses people do
@kickassneilum i no they r so cute and they seem like my grandparents
I understand they are each 22 years old.
this video didnt go viral
They truly make you smile!
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu
1:33 i want that subwooooooooooofer back there