Harris will defend the case as a prosecutor in an important speech in South America


Kamala Harris

"[Kamala Harris] will reject the labels that some commentators and experts put on his record during the campaign, "said a Harris official at POLITICO. | Spencer Platt / Getty Images

Kamala Harris will use a speech given Saturday night in South Carolina to defend her criminal record, which has been under scrutiny since entering the presidential race.

The Democratic Senator from California, speaking at an event organized by the National Association for the Advancement of People of Color in Columbia, South Carolina, will make his career in the field of law enforcement its greatest strength in a competition against President Donald Trump, focused on the victims of crime. She stood up for the authors and powerful interests she strived for accountability, and explained how she made the system more equitable, according to a senior Harris campaigner, who summarized the speech.

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"She will reject the labels that some commentators and experts put on her record during the campaign, and explain not only why she became a prosecutor, but what her vision is of work," Harris told Harris.

Harris faced almost constant questions about his prosecutor's file, his tenure as District Attorney in San Francisco and his years as California Attorney General – at the time of the darkness of matter and with a Democratic electorate who is now gone. criminal justice reform. Harris has shown sensitivity to the way his record is played, receding to varying degrees from investigations into shootings involving officers and school absenteeism.

But Harris and his campaign claimed that they viewed his career as a major asset and planned to use it. South Carolina's speech is a way for Harris to summarize how she sees it on her own terms, including the arguments she has made in previous interviews that have not stuck.

"It will clear myths that the black community does not want any kind of law enforcement or that becoming a prosecutor and being progressive is mutually exclusive," said the assistant. "Just as she has prosecuted those who are trying to harm the people, she will expose the case against Trump – which she will call" the case of a new president "."


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