Hasbro joins the esports team to promote its new range of Fortnite Nerf guns • Eurogamer.net


Hasbro has announced the launch of a new range of Fortnite blasters and has partnered with the team of esports, Team SoloMid (TSM), to promote it.

Although they will not wear their branded TSM jerseys in the promotion, the team of three competitive players – including "Myth", "Daequan" and "Hamlinz" – will be part of Hasbro's international commercial campaign. . TSM's "uncompetitive influencers" would also be involved and talk about "their best Fortin battle moments in real life".

According to The Esports Observer, TSM has negotiated directly with Hasbro, which has paid "sponsorship fees" to TSM under a separate agreement relating to the license agreement with the Epic publisher Fortnite Games.

The range is now available for pre-order on the US Hasbro website, starting at $ 10 for the Dart-Firing Microshots blaster – including a llama-like model – and $ 50 for the AR-L Elite Dart Blaster. Unfortunately, the online store in the UK has not left any traces yet, but we have contacted Hasbro and we will update it as soon as we know more.

But that's not all. Hasbro also tweeted about a new Overwatch Nerf MicroShot rangeas well as a new selection of Overwatch figures:


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