Have you ever wondered why crying sometimes makes you feel better? Experts explain science


close up of a hand: have you ever wondered why crying sometimes makes you feel better?  Experts explain science

© Getty Images / Grace Cary
Have you ever wondered why crying sometimes makes you feel better? Experts explain science

Have you ever wondered why crying sometimes makes you feel better?  Experts explain science

© Getty Images
Have you ever wondered why crying sometimes makes you feel better? Experts explain science

It is not a hard and fast rule, but sometimes, crying can do you good – or make you feel a little better about something that is bothering you. It is a strange phenomenon that I have personally experienced. “I think I just need a good cry” is something that has come out of my mouth countless times in my life.

I never really understood why crying can do any good, but I admit that it’s been happening a lot in the past trying months, so I decided to reach out to experts to get an explanation. And yes, there is a scientific reason why crying can have a feel-good effect on us.

“Crying causes neurological and hormonal changes in your body that help make you feel calmer and less tense after you cry,” said Dr. Nate Favini, MD, medical manager of Forward Preventive Primary Care Practice.

Crying activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which calms the body. Endorphins and oxytocin are also released.

“All of this makes you feel better and induces cognitive phenomena like reassessment of the situation, which can help you put things in a larger perspective,” explained Dr. Favini.

Besides the change that occurs in the body, Dr Favini added that crying has a social function.

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“When people close to you see you crying, it catches their attention and encourages them to soothe you and engage in behaviors such as hugging you and stroking your back. It makes you feel better. Other people can also change their actual behaviors that improve your life. “

As you discover the calming abilities of crying, you may recall a time when holding back your tears made you feel worse. There is also a reason behind this.

According to Dr. Jennifer Carter, PhD, a psychologist at Wexner Medical Center at Ohio State University, emotional suppression, or repelling negative feelings, has the potential to increase distress.

“Allowing yourself to cry is the opposite of emotional suppression. Crying aligns with mindfulness in that we allow the feeling to be present, acknowledging the feeling without trying to push it back or fix it. Mindfulness exercises like crying often lead to negative feelings that go away sooner. ”

While crying when something makes you sad may have potential for stress relief, Dr Favini said that the habits of crying all the time or every day could be a sign of depression or a mood disorder. “If this happens to you, you should seek help from a mental health professional.”

But remember: everyone experiences their emotions differently, and there are many different ways to deal with stress – talking to a therapist, exercising, and meditating are just a few examples. Either way, it’s important to put your mental and emotional health first.

Dr Favini said that exercise can help clear the mind and cause the body to release endorphins. “Meditation is also effective in reducing stress and can help you better understand the challenges you face. Meditation apps like Headspace can be a great place to start.”

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