Hawai´i identifies the first 3 ‘revolutionary’ cases of COVID-19


March 12, 2021 5:51 PM HST

The Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) noted the state’s first three “breakthrough” coronavirus cases on Friday, which is not as positive a term as it sounds.

A groundbreaking case describes an incident in which a fully vaccinated person (someone who received both doses) later contracted COVID-19.

“This number is not outside of what one would expect with nearly 165,000 people in Hawaii who are fully vaccinated,” according to a statement released Friday by the DOH.

A vaccine with 95% effectiveness will protect 95 out of 100 people. This means that 5% can still get COVID if exposed.

“This is another reason why we all need to do our part to reduce the number of cases,” the ministry continued. “The lower the prevalence of COVID in the community, the less likely we are to be infected, even those who have been vaccinated.”


It is important to note that none of the people with “breakthrough” COVID have fallen seriously ill and none have passed the COVID to another person. Studies of the three vaccines currently approved for circulation in the United States indicate that they are almost 100% effective in preventing positive cases leading to hospitalization and / or death, in other words “severe” cases. infection with COVID-19.


“Vaccines prevent serious disease just like they’re designed to do,” the department said.


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