Headlines in the news: Irish air traffic control is “in crisis” and Mica scandal threatens coalition as TD revolt


Read the 10 best stories on Independent.ie this morning …

Irish air traffic control ‘in crisis’, say staff as they call on Transport Minister Eamon Ryan to investigate

Irish air traffic controllers have claimed that the system is in crisis and personnel problems have led to an “increased risk of an incident or air traffic accident”. In an inflammatory letter sent last week by up to 160 controllers to Transport Minister Eamon Ryan, controllers claimed excessive reliance on overtime to perform the service had become a safety concern.

Coveney and Sinn Féin at ‘Partition’ Event, Security Issue Regarding Disclosure of Queen’s Visit

Sinn Féin and Foreign Minister Simon Coveney was among those attending a religious event on Friday which was heralded as marking “the centenary of the founding of Northern Ireland and the partition of Ireland”, it appeared.

“Bailey will be extradited to France”, insists Sophie’s family lawyer

Ian Bailey will “eventually” be extradited to France, said a lawyer representing the family of murdered Frenchwoman Sophie Toscan du Plantier.

Mica scandal threatens Coalition as TD revolt

Several TD of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil could bring about the collapse of the Coalition in a matter of weeks if Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien does not come up with an “appropriate” program for families affected by mica, a high-level government source has warned.

UCD sacks Cahill over Covid and anti-mask statements

Controversial academic Dolores Cahill had her job terminated by University College Dublin, five months after applying for retirement.

“Happy” Dwyer, EU decision will go in his favor

The killer Graham Dwyer was “briefed” by his legal team following the European Commission hearing on the procedure in Luxembourg last Monday. Prison sources say Dwyer was ‘happy’ after these talks and is now ‘quietly confident’ the European decision on his challenge to data retention laws will go in his favor.

Sláintecare chief resigns, says reform is impossible

The former president of Sláintecare said “Fundamental failures” of governance, accountability and engagement made it “impossible” to implement the much-vaunted plan for health care reform.

Daily cases could drop to 500 a day by the holidays

The number of days Covid-19 cases could drop below 1,000 next month and drop to 500 as Christmas approaches, based on the disease’s current trajectory, the government has been told.

Activist Anthony Flynn called his suspension “more bulls ** t”

A new report has defined the circumstances surrounding the suspension of homeless activist Anthony Flynn of the charity he co-founded on two sexual assault allegations.

Footage shows a car driving through the group’s parade in Co Down

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