Health officials say hepatitis A epidemic is accelerating


Health officials in New Hampshire warn that the recent state hepatitis A epidemic is accelerating.

The Department of Health and Social Services first announced the outbreak in February, when 13 people had been infected since last November.

According to the DHHS, this number has risen to 79. In New Hampshire, the average number of cases over a year is seven.

Officials say that the majority of cases diagnosed since November occurred in Hillsborough and Strafford counties.

Hepatitis A is spread by ingesting small, undetected amounts of stool from an infected person.

Public health officials recommend that people at high risk of getting hepatitis A get vaccinated.

Populations at risk include the homeless, recreation drug users, gay and bisexual men, and those in close contact with an infected person.

New Hampshire is one of 18 states reporting an outbreak of hepatitis A.


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