CHIPPEWA FALLS, WIS. (WEAU) – An alarming study published this week shows that the risk of heart attack appears to be increasing among young women. While researchers say they are trying to understand why, local health officials are taking action.
"There was a myth in the past that heart attacks are more likely to hit men, but that's not true," said Ashley Kren, cardiac rehabilitation specialist at HS HS Hospital. Joseph.
Over the past 20 years, risk factors for heart disease such as obesity and diabetes have increased and health officials said these statistics were affecting more young women in cardiovascular health.
"Recent studies are beginning to show that rates of women with heart attacks are becoming even higher," Kren said.
Between 1995 and 2014, the number of women aged 35 to 54 admitted to hospital for a heart attack increased by 10%. "It's hard to find an exact cause … a single cause, but like anything, it's probably a combination of factors that contributes to that rate increase," Kren said.
Whatever your age, health officials say it's important to know the risk factors. "Among the major risk factors for heart disease, there is physical inactivity, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, smoking or any other drug, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, a high rate of of high sugar, "said Kren.
Kren says that many young women are simply not aware of their heart health.
"Women, especially young women … it's probably the last thing that concerns us about a heart attack … as women." I think we're very busy, we are often too committed to trying to balance our career and family and unfortunately because we are caregivers, we often end up putting ourselves last and we sacrifice healthy choices ", she declared.
The symptoms of a heart attack may vary from person to person. "Men and women can experience classic chest pain as a symptom of a heart attack.Women whose research shows that they particularly exhibit other nontraditional symptoms … may have the feeling of having the flu, or nausea, jaw pain, neck pain, "Kren said.
Health officials say that in terms of cardiovascular health, men and women, all ages must resort to preventive care. It is also important to note that if your family has a history of heart disease, you could be at greater risk.
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