Here are 5 of the most common coronavirus symptoms reported by fully vaccinated patients


STATEN ISLAND, NY – Just because you’re fully vaccinated against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) doesn’t mean you can’t get the virus and experience symptoms, although they may be different from those that aren’t. not vaccinated.

While the approved vaccines are all highly effective in preventing serious illness and hospitalizations from coronavirus, the possibility of breakthrough infections – or infections involving fully vaccinated individuals – remains a cause for concern.

The ZOE COVID Symptom Study, an ongoing coronavirus study in which patients use a mobile app to submit their symptoms for analysis, found that the top five symptoms reported by patients vary depending on their vaccination status .

Here’s a look at the five most common symptoms reported by fully vaccinated people who test positive for the coronavirus.

  1. Headache
  2. Runny nose
  3. sneezing
  4. Sore throat
  5. Loss of sense of smell

Although these symptoms were all reported by fully vaccinated individuals, those who received two doses of the coronavirus vaccine were less likely to suffer from these symptoms for an extended period.

“Fewer symptoms were reported over a shorter period of time by those who had previously received a jab, suggesting that they fell less seriously ill and improved faster,” according to the study.

Fever, persistent cough, and shortness of breath are particularly missing from the list of the most common symptoms in fully vaccinated people, three symptoms that were prevalent at the start of the pandemic when vaccines were not yet available.

It’s also worth noting that sneezing has been listed as the third most common symptom among fully vaccinated people, although it is not on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) COVID-19 symptom list.


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