Here are the steps you can take to protect yourself from the new variant of the coronavirus.


A new variant of the coronavirus has raised concerns in the United States because it is so contagious and spreads quickly. To avoid it, you will need to double the pandemic precautions that have so far kept you safe.

The variant known as B.1.1.7., Which was first identified in Britain, does not appear to cause more serious disease, but it does seem to cling to our cells more effectively and has the potential to infect about 50% more people. . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicted that this variant could become the main source of infection in the United States by March.

Here’s a sample of what some of the leading virus and infectious disease experts had to say to prevent it.

  • The same things that protected you from the original strain should help protect you from the variant, although you may need to be more stringent. Wear a two or three layer mask. Do not spend time indoors with people outside of your household. Avoid crowds and keep your distance. Wash your hands often and avoid touching your face. “I think there is no room for error or negligence in following precautions, whereas before we could have gotten away with leaving a slide,” said Linsey Marr, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech and one of the world’s foremost aerosol scientists.

  • The right, well-fitting, cloth mask filters out the size virus particles most likely to cause infection well, Dr. Marr’s lab found in a recent test of 11 mask materials. The best mask has three layers – two layers of fabric with a filter sandwiched in between. If you don’t want to buy a new mask, an easy solution is to wear an extra mask when you find yourself closer to strangers.

  • Getting vaccinated is the ultimate way to reduce your risk. But until then, take a look at your activities and try to reduce the time and number of exposures to other people. For example, if you now go to the store two or three times a week, cut back to once. If you spent 30 to 45 minutes there, reduce your time to 15 or 20 minutes. Try sidewalk delivery or pickup, if that’s okay with you.


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