Here's how we could feed a million people on Mars


Century Club

If we want to colonize Mars, we will have to find a way to feed ourselves there, and continually sending food to the red planet is not a sustainable plan.

But now, a team of researchers think they have found a way to produce enough food on Mars to feed a million people – and their plan to empower Martian colonists would only take a hundred years to implement.

Live from the land

In an article published in New space: the journal of space entrepreneurship and innovation, researchers from the University of Central Florida detail a model they have created that takes into account the potential growth of the population on Mars, taking into account both people moving on the planet and those who are there as well as the anticipated caloric needs of the settlers.

The model also examined how settlers could use the land on Mars and what types of food could be produced by humans.

Skip the bugs

Based on their research, the team determined that we could put in place a system that could feed a million settlers in a century – provided they accepted a diet rich in plants, insects, and foods created in from cells grown in Petri dishes.

If that sounds like the keto diet alternative you're looking for, good news: the researchers have created a website that explains how to eat like a Martian here on Earth.

READ MORE: How to feed a colony of 1 million people on Mars[[[[]

More about the colonization of Mars: This Martian greenhouse concept has just won a NASA award


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