Here's what mysterious human beings might look like


It is the first representation of what mysterious ancient humans called Denisovans, a sister group of Neanderthals. This image shows a young woman Denisovan, reconstructed from DNA methylation maps. The art was created by Maayal Harel.

The researchers discovered a fossil of one of New Zealand's oldest bird species. Although his descendants are giant seabirds, this small ancestor probably flew shorter distances.

A painting shows the new species of giant salamander called Andrias sligoi, the largest amphibian in the world.

After its discovery in 2013, the fossilized skeleton of Victoria, 66 million years old, has been restored bone by bone. It is the second most complete T. rex fossil ever recorded.

The illustration of an artist shows just how different a former "short-faced" kangaroo called Simosthenurus occidentalis was from that of modern kangaroos. His skull looks more like a koala.

Illustration of artist representing Cryodrakon boreas, one of the largest flying animals that ever lived during the Cretaceous. Although researchers do not know the color of Cryodrakon's plumage, the colors featured here honor Canada, where the fossil was found.

Thermal thermal image of a T. rex with its bright dorsotemporal window on the skull.

A complete skull belonging to a former human ancestor was found in Ethiopia. A composite of the Australapithecus anamensis skull, 3.8 million years old, appears here in parallel with a facial reconstruction.

The remains of the tomb IIIN199, found under the Prague Castle in 1928, belong to a man of the 10th century. His identity has been the subject of great debate for years.

Fossils of vertebrae of a type of stegosaurus not yet discovered have been discovered in Morocco. The researchers say that they represent the oldest stegosaurus found.

The Neanderthal skull of La Chapelle-aux-Saints presents signs of external auditory exostoses, called "surfer ear" growths, in the left channel.

The Fincha Habera rock shelter in the Ethiopian mountains of Basel served as a residence for prehistoric hunter-gatherers.

The largest parrot in the world, Heracles inexpectatus, lived 19 million years ago in New Zealand. He was over 3 feet tall and weighed more than 15 pounds.

According to a new study of predator fossils found in La Brea tar pits, saber-toothed cats, wolves and coyotes had different hunting habits.

The researchers discovered 83 tiny glassy spheres inside fossil clams from a Florida quarry. The tests suggest that they are evidence of one or more undocumented meteorite impacts in the distant past of Florida.

This primitive dinosaur had a broad W-shaped jaw and a solid bone crest resembling a hunched nose.

Illustration of a microraptor swallowing an entire lizard during the Cretaceous period. The well preserved fossils of the microraptor and lizard were discovered, which led to the discovery that the lizard was a previously unknown species.

The back of a skull discovered in a Greek cave dates back 210,000 years. Known as the Apidima 1, right, the researchers were able to analyze and recreate it (in the middle and left). The rounded shape of Apidima 1 is a unique feature of modern humans and contrasts sharply with Neanderthals and their ancestors.

A 33,000-year-old human skull shows proof that he was struck with a club-like object. The right side of the human head presents a large depressed fracture.

The fossilized femur of a recently discovered giant bird revealed that it weighed almost as much as an adult polar bear and could reach 11 feet and a half in height. He lived between 1.5 million and 2 million years ago.

This jaw belonged to a Neanderthal girl who lived 120,000 years ago. It was found in the Scladina cave in Belgium.

This is an illustration of the artist of the newly discovered dinosaur species, Fostoria dhimbangunmal.

A radiocarbon dating revealed that this Iron Age wooden shield was made between 395 and 255 BC.

The incredibly well preserved fossil of an extinct species of extinct field mice, 3 million years old, discovered in Germany and of a length of less than 3 inches, has proven to have a red pigment in his fur.

A mass grave dating back to 5,000 years ago in Poland brings together 15 people from the same extended family.

This is an impression of Ambopteryx longibrachium artist, one of only two dinosaurs known to have membranous wings. The fossilized remains of the dinosaur were discovered in Liaoning, northeast China, in 2017.

Reconstruction of a small tyrannosauroid Suskityrannus hazelae of the Upper Cretaceous.

Researchers have been studying Archeopteryx fossils for 150 years, but new X-ray data reveal that the bird-like dinosaur may have been an "active pilot."

A 160,000 year old Denisovan jaw found in a cave on the Tibetan plateau is the first evidence of the presence of this ancient human group outside the Denisova Cave in Siberia.

Illustration of artist representing Simbakubwa kutokaafrika, a gigantic carnivore who lived 23 million years ago. Fossils of most of his jaw, parts of his skull, and parts of his skeleton are known. It was a hyaenodont, a group of mammal carnivores now extinct, which was bigger than a polar bear of modern times.

The upper right teeth of the newly discovered species, Homo luzonensis. The teeth are smaller and more simplified than those belonging to other Homo species.

"Scotty" is the largest Tyrannosaur rex in the world and the largest dinosaur skeleton ever discovered in Canada.

The researchers discovered unknown species at the Qingjiang fossil site on the banks of the Danshui River near its junction with the Qingjiang River in Hubei Province, China.

During a study of the ancient Iberian population, the remains of a man and a woman buried together on a Spanish bronze age site called Castillejo de Bonete have showed that the woman was a local and that her most recent ancestors were from Central Europe.

Durrington Walls is a Late Neolithic henge site located in Wiltshire. The pork bones found on the site revealed that people and livestock have traveled hundreds of miles to enjoy and enjoy themselves.

Artist's view of a flock of Galleonosaurus dorisae at the edge of a river in the Lower Antarctic-Australian Antarctic Rift Valley, 125 million years ago.

The remains of 137 children and 200 llamas were discovered in Peru in an area that was once part of the culture of Chimú State, which was at its peak in the 15th century. Children and llamas may have been sacrificed because of floods.

The tooth of a lazy, extinct giant ground that lived in Belize 27,000 years ago revealed that the region was arid rather than the jungle of today.

An illustration by an artist of what the little tyrannosaurus Moros intrepidus would have looked like 96 million years ago. These small predators would eventually become Tyrannosaurus rex.

Examples of tools made from bone and monkey teeth recovered from the late Pleistocene layers of the Fa-Hien Lena cave in Sri Lanka show that early humans used sophisticated techniques to hunt monkeys and squirrels.

Footprints believed to belong to Neanderthals were found in the sand dune of Catalan Bay.

Two of the fossil specimens found in Korea had reflective eyes, a characteristic still visible under the light.

Illustration of artist representing Mnyamawamtuka moyowamkia, a long-necked middle Cretaceous titanosaur recently discovered in Tanzania. The vertebra of his tail has a unique heart shape, which contributed to his name. In Swahili, the name translates as "animal of the Mtuka with a tail in the shape of heart".

The oldest evidence of mobility dates back 2.1 billion years and was discovered in Gabon. The tubes, discovered in black shale, are filled with pyrite crystals generated by the transformation of biological tissues by bacteria, found in layers of clay minerals.

Researchers have recently studied climate change in Greenland as it occurred during the Viking epoch. Using lake sediment cores, they discovered that it was actually warmer than expected. They studied on several sites, including a twenty-first century reproduction of the Thjodhild Church on the estate of Erik the Red, known as Brattahlíð, in present-day Qassiarsuk, Greenland. .

Here is an artistic illustration of Antarctica, 250 million years ago. The newly discovered fossil of a dinosaur parent, Antarctanax shackletoni, revealed that reptiles lived within the diverse fauna of Antarctica after massive extinction.

The bone points and pierced teeth found in the cave of Denisova date from the early Upper Paleolithic. A new study establishes the chronology of the cave and it sheltered the first humans known 300 000 years ago.

The illustration of this artist shows a marine reptile similar to a platypus hunting at dusk. This duck-billed animal was the first reptile to have exceptionally small eyes that probably forced it to use other senses, such as the tactile sense of its duckbill, to hunt its prey.

Although it is hard to spot, the researchers found patches of lapis lazuli pigment, called ultramarine, in the dental plaque of the lower jaw of a middle-aged woman.

A Neanderthal fossil, left, and a modern human skeleton. Neanderthals are generally considered to have a high incidence of trauma compared to modern humans, but a new study found that head trauma was consistent for both.

The oldest figurative work in the world of Borneo dates back to 40,000 years ago, when humans lived on what is now known as the third largest island on Earth.

The tooth of a 250,000-year-old Neanderthal child contains an unprecedented record of seasons of birth, breastfeeding, illness and exposure to lead during the first three years of his life .

The illustration of an artist shows giant nocturnal elephant birds foraging in the ancient forests of Madagascar at night. A new study suggests that now-extinct birds were nocturnal and blind.

Kebara 2 is the most complete Neanderthal fossil recovered to date. It was discovered in the Israeli cave of Kebara, where other Neanderthal remains were discovered.

The oldest intact ship wreck in the world was discovered by a research team in the Black Sea. It is a Greek merchant ship dating back to 400 BC. The vessel was scanned and mapped numerically by two distant underwater vehicles.

This fossil represents a new fish resembling a Jurassic piranha with sharp, pointed teeth. He probably fed on the fins of other fish.

The fossil skull of young Diplodocus says Andrew, held by Cary Woodruff, director of paleontology at the Great Plains Dinosaur Museum.

Two small bones from Ciemna Cave in Poland are the oldest human remains found in the country. The condition of the bones also suggests that the child has been eaten by a big bird.

The illustration of this artist shows the newly discovered dinosaur species, Ledumahadi mafube, in search of food in the lower Jurassic of South Africa. Heterodontosaurus, another South African dinosaur, can also be seen in the foreground.

A red-cross pattern of 73,000-year-old red crosses was drawn on a silicate flake, which forms when sand and gravel cement are brought together, and was found in a cave in South Africa.

A series of Middle Neolithic pottery, including typical Danilo dishes, fig and rhyta, which served to contain meat, milk, cheese and yoghurt.

These four dinosaurs show the evolution of alvarezsaurs. From left to right, Haplocheirus, Xiyunykus, Bannykus and Shuvuuia reveal lengthening jaws, reduction of teeth and changes in the hand and arm.

Eorhynchochelys sinensis is an early turtle that lived 228 million years ago. He had a beak without teeth, but no shell.

The bones of the leg of a 7 year old kid, recovered from an ancient Roman cemetery, show a flexion and deformities associated with rickets.

The famous statues of Easter Island, called moai, were originally whole characters partially covered over time. They represent important ancestors of Rapa Nui and were carved after the establishment of a population on the island 900 years ago.

The researchers are located on the Aubrey Hole 7 excavation site, where cremated human remains were recovered at Stonehenge for study. New research suggests that 40% of the 25 people buried at Stonehenge were not from there – but they probably carried rocks from West Wales and helped build them.

The newly discovered armored dinosaur fossil Akainacephalus johnsoni was discovered in southern Utah.

The foot is a part of a partial skeleton of a 3.32 million year old skeleton of a child of australopithecus afarensis nicknamed Selam.

According to a new study, the impact of asteroids causing the extinction of dinosaurs has also destroyed the world's forests. This illustration shows one of the few terrestrial birds that has survived the toxic environment and massive extinction.

The remains of a cutthroat rhinoceros help the researchers to date the arrival of the first humans to the Philippines. They found a complete 75% rhinoceros skeleton that was clearly cut up, with 13 of its bones bearing cutting marks and areas where bones were struck to release bone marrow, at the Kalinga archaeological site on the island. Luzon Island.

This is only one of 26 individuals found on the site of a fifth century massacre on the Swedish island of Öland. This teenager was found lying on his side, suggesting a slower death. Other skeletons found in homes and ring streets at Sandby Borg show signs of sudden death by blows to the head.

The skeleton of a young woman and her fetus were found in a brick casket dated from medieval Italy. His skull shows an example of neurosurgery and his child was extruded after his death into a rare "coffin birth".

This part of a whale skull was found at the construction site of Calaveras Dam in California, with at least 19 other people. Some pieces are 3 feet long.

A stone age cow skull shows a trepanation, a hole in the skull created by humans in the form of a surgical procedure or an experiment.

On the left, a fossilized skull of our Homin ancestor, Homo heidelbergensis, who lived 200,000 to 600,000 years ago. Right, a modern human skull. Hominins had sharp brow ridges, but modern humans developed mobile eyebrows as their faces became smaller.

On the left, a 13,000-year-old footprint found in the sediments of Calvert Island, off the Canadian Pacific coast. On the right, a digitally enhanced image, showing the details of the imprint.

A team of researchers studied a central platform at Star Carr, in North Yorkshire, England, to delve into past events related to climate change at the site of the Middle Stone Age. The Star Carr site is home to the oldest evidence of carpentry in Europe and structures built in Britain.

This wall with paintings is in the cave of La Pasiega in Spain. The scale of horizontal and vertical red lines is over 64,000 years old and was made by Neanderthals.

These perforated shells were found in the sea cave of Cueva de los Aviones, Spain, between 115,000 and 120,000 years ago. Researchers believe that these served as a body ornament to Neanderthals.

The oldest human fossil ever discovered outside of Africa has been found in Israel. This suggests that modern humans have left Africa at least 50,000 years earlier than expected. The upper jaw, with several teeth, was found in a prehistoric cave site.

This is a structure unearthed at the north end of the Grand Plaza, Teposcolula-Yucundaa, Oaxaca, Mexico. The researchers investigated a "plague" cemetery associated with a devastating epidemic of 1545-1550. A new analysis suggests that salmonella caused an epidemic of typhoid fever.

Paranthropus boisei, a precocious human ancestor, had a small brain and a broad, flat face. He is best known for his big teeth and his big chewing muscles.


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