Here's your first look at the League of Legends Mordekaiser editing


League of Legends' Mordekaiser retouching has been on the cards for some time now. While lead producer Ryan 'Reav3' Mireles announced that the Master of Metal would have a new look earlier this year, he needed a much longer change than that. Fortunately, we know how to get a better idea of ​​the shape it will take.

In a message posted earlier in the day, the developer introduced us for the first time the new capabilities of the champion. Although important pieces of his kit are fairly standard, they undergo major changes: neither his W nor his E will remain the same after the update.

The most notable change, however, is in its ultimate capacity. Although Mordekaiser may have evoked in the past a ghostly version of the champions (or dragons) that he helps to kill, this should change. Mordekaiser's new ultimate, the realm of death, is the scathing dream of the solo-laner, which allows him to face the champion of his choice in a face-to-face battle until death.

Without further ado, let's look at these new capabilities:

  • Rise of Darkness (P):
    • Mordekaiser's basic attacks deal additional magic damage. After three spells or attacks against a champion, Darkness Rise deals damage to nearby enemies and increases your movement speed until Mordekasier is no longer in combat.
  • Canceled (Q):
    • Mordekaiser hits his body, dealing damage in one area or increasing damage to a single enemy.
  • Indestructible (W):
    • Bad Lord absorbs 25% of damage and damage done. Casting once generates a shield with this value. Mordekaiser can launch again to consume 50% of the shield in good health.
  • Death Grip (E):
    • Passive: Mordekaiser gains 25% magic penetration
    • Active: A deadly claw drags enemies to him and deals damage to him.
  • Kingdom of Death (R):
    • Mordekaiser banned a single enemy champion from the Realm of Death for 7 seconds in 1v1, stealing a percentage of his basic stats. If he kills his target, he consumes his soul and keeps his statistics partial until he reappears.

To be honest, I almost agree with almost everything. The Q and W in particular are quite similar, but Death's Grasp should help provide vital control to the crowd.

What really makes me so, is that it is ultimate. Realm of Death seems to borrow a lot from the Shadow Realm in the Yu-Gi-Oh cartoon series, but I'm going to forget about that in favor of the seven-second 1-in-1 that Mordekaiser challenges his enemies. No matter who can guess how this will happen, but I'm pretty sure it will be fun to see in action.

Read more: Check out the notes of patch 9.11 of League of Legends

As for your own journey into the Realm of Death, I'm uncertain, but it's quite possible that for the first time we're looking at patch update 9.12, so keep your eye on PBE next week.

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