HGM study: Children have higher levels of coronavirus in the airways than adults


Many Massachusetts schools are set to reopen next month. Educators and parents are worried about the big unknown: how much the coronavirus is spreading in schools.

Since the start of the pandemic, it has been said that the virus does not affect children as much as it does adults – that children, for the most part, do not get as sick and transmit the virus as easily.

But a new study from Massachusetts General Hospital has found that children carry much of the virus in their systems, even when they appear healthy. The study did not examine how well young people transmitted the virus, but the study’s lead author, Dr. Lael Yonker, says viral load generally corresponds to how infected a person is.

The study recruited 192 pediatric patients aged less than one to 22 years old. Study subjects were traveling to healthcare facilities to assess possible symptoms of COVID-19 or due to exposure to someone with coronavirus. Forty-nine have tested positive; Another 18 have been diagnosed with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), which is associated with the coronavirus.

WBUR All things Considered Host Lisa Mullins spoke with Dr. Yonker, pediatric pulmonologist at the MGH.

Interview Highlights

You said you were surprised by what you and your colleagues found regarding the amount of coronavirus these children had in their airways. What surprised you?

“We were very surprised by this. We quantified the amount of virus and then compared it to adults hospitalized in ICUs. And we found that children had significantly higher levels of the virus than these adults in ICUs. And when you think of intensive care in hospitals, especially during the peak of the pandemic, you have people wearing full body covers, masks, face shields, all of that protection in place – as these kids are walking around. with significantly higher viral loads [without such precautions being taken]. And so it was very surprising and alarming for us.

“I think the fact that the viral load is so high at this early stage of the disease – sometimes before the kids even have symptoms – is just alarming to know that this is when they potentially are. most [infectious]. “

Does having a higher viral load than those children you tested mean that they are more able to spread the virus and spread it as much as adults?

“We did not look at contact tracing. So we did not look at the specific transmissibility from one individual to another … In general, a higher viral load in respiratory tract secretions corresponds to the degree of ‘infection [you are]or the likelihood that you will pass the virus on to other people.

“It’s hard to say who would be most or least likely to spread the virus. But I think we have to assume that these high viral loads are contagious and that proper precautions need to be in place to minimize the potential spread of the virus. back to families or older people who are at much greater risk of developing serious complications from COVID. “

So you’re concerned about families – I’m guessing especially for children or young people who live in multi-generational homes, as we know a lot, and therefore put some of the older family members at risk. When we talk about reopening schools, what should districts do with this information?

“I think policymakers need to determine what makes the most sense for their communities, and families need to make decisions about what makes the most sense for their individual families. But it is certain that security must be a top priority and action must be taken. implementation, such as social distancing, limitation of large groups, the implementation of certain distance learning, [and] mask definitely for kids of all ages. [Our research shows] that no child is less likely to carry heavy loads of the virus than any other age group. Thus, all children should wear masks and wear them correctly, covering the nose and mouth.

“As schools open and kids interact more and come together more, if we don’t take the necessary precautions … kids could potentially lead a next wave of COVID.”

Do you feel confident in this statement, given the relatively small sample size? [children] you tested?

“I think that with COVID, it is better to be safe than a rider. And so, I think the precautions to be put in place are not drastic precautions. This is what is recommended for the general public. And, therefore , masks for all the kids going to school or daycare, social distancing as best as possible. I think these things are important in any gathering … I think knowing that viral loads can be quite high and High viral loads can lead to the spread of infection, I think it’s best to be cautious in a pandemic and then adjust as needed. But … I’m worried. And we’ve seen, you know, the pandemic has really spread dramatically and people are getting really sick. So I think it’s worth being safe. “


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