High stress increases your risk of heart attack. Here is how to relax


Stress at work. Stress at home. Financial stress.

The balance of chronic stress is not limited to emotional suffering. High stress can open the door to heart disease.

In fact, research shows that those of us who experience a lot of stress in their lives are at a higher risk of heart attack and other long-term cardiovascular problems.

The latest evidence comes from a new study on siblings in Sweden. Researchers identified approximately 137,000 individuals diagnosed with stress-related disorders; diagnoses included post-traumatic stress disorder or acute stress following a traumatic event, such as the death of a loved one or an episode of violence. Next, the researchers identified about 171,000 of their siblings with similar education and genes, but no anxiety disorders.

Next, they compared the rates of cardiovascular disease in siblings, including heart attacks, heart attacks and blood clots, over several years.

It turns out that Swedes who had a stress disorder had much higher rates of heart problems than their siblings.

"We saw [about] A researcher, Unnur A Valdimarsdóttir, of the Karolinska Institute, and professor of epidemiology at the University of Iceland, says a researcher Unnur A Valdimarsdóttir and a professor of epidemiology at the University of Iceland. was about 30 percent, says Valdimarsdóttir.

The results, published in the latest issue of the medical journal BMJ"are completely compatible with other studies," says Simon Bacon of Concordia University, who is studying the impact of lifestyle on chronic diseases. He mentions other studies showing that depression, anxiety and stress increase the risk of cardiovascular events. He wrote an editorial that is published next to the study.

So, when is stress simply part of life – something that we all face – and when does it become so problematic that it opens the door to illness? Part of the answer here depends on how we react to stress, say the scientists, and our own internal perception of how much stress we are feeling.

We have all experienced the fight or flight stress response.

"Imagine you're walking down the street and someone jumps up and scares you," Bacon says. What happens? Your heart rate increases and your blood pressure goes up. "You have this immediate activation," says Bacon. And, in the short term, this temporary response is good. It gives you what you need to flee or act.

But the problem arises if you start to feel these "activations" of stress response, even in the absence of imminent threat.

"When people have stress disorders, these systems are activated at the wrong time," says Bacon. For example, with PTSD, "you can get very exaggerated stress responses by thinking of something that has happened".

People who suffer from chronic stress seem to be the most exposed to health problems.

"In the long run, repeated, persistent [stress] The reactions will activate the immune system and contribute to inflammation, "said Dr. Ernesto Schiffrin, a physician and professor of medicine at McGill University, who said that inflammation can open the door to Atherosclerosis, also called hardening of the arteries.Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart and body.When the arteries are narrowing, blood flow is limited – increasing the risk of heart attack , from stroke or other cardiovascular events.

So, since we can not wave a magic wand and make stress disappear, what are the best options for adaptation? There is no quick fix, but daily habits can help control stress.

Schiffrin says he gives this advice to his patients: Eat well, try to have good relationships, have a good attitude, spend time in the nature and exercise. "I think exercise is essential," Schiffrin said. So let's take a closer look at each of these.

  • Exercise When researchers analyzed CDC survey data from more than one million American adults, they found that people who exercised reported fewer days of poor mental health than those who did not. did not exercise. And, as we have reported, mental health related to team sports practice has benefited from a new momentum. But, whether you choose a simple walk, a swim in the forest or a group activity, who does not feel a little better after moving his body?
  • Cultivate friendships Loneliness is an epidemic. And, as we pointed out, a recent survey found that 2 out of 5 respondents said they were lacking in camaraderie or feeling isolated from others. Still, spending time with friends can really improve our mood. Regardless of your stage of life, signing up for a group activity or volunteering is a good option to engage and stay active in the community around you.
  • Learn meditation or relaxation techniques Mindfulness meditation has been shown to tarnish the stress response and even help reduce blood pressure in people who can maintain this habit. As we reported, one study found that meditation helped 40 out of 60 patients reduce their blood pressure enough to reduce the use of certain medications.
  • Eat well There is indeed a link between food and mood. As we have reported, a diet rich in refined carbohydrates and sugar (as in packaged snacks and sodas) can lead to a metabolic roller coaster that can also affect your mood. On the other hand, a Mediterranean-type diet – rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish – can feed you.
  • Ask for help for anxiety disorders These daily habits can help reduce the level of stress you feel, but for people with stress disorders such as PTSD, it may be better to hire a professional. "People should treat their mental health problems," says Bacon. You do not have to smile and put up with it & # 39; Mental health professionals have many tools.

"You do not want to put yourself in a position where you could make your health worse by doing nothing," says Bacon.

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