Horowitz: Israeli government data shows natural immunity to infection is much stronger than vaccine-induced immunity


Everything that public health “experts” have said about the deficiencies in infection-induced immunity actually seems to be true of vaccines. If you talk to any man on the street, he’ll tell you, based on every censored article he reads online, that vaccines are stronger than infection in terms of immunity. New data from Israel, the epicenter of mass vaccine hysteria, shows exactly the opposite.

Israeli Channel 13 reports very preliminary data showing that the resurgence of COVID infections in Israel is due almost exclusively to those who have never had a previous infection – whether vaccinated or not. In fact, 40% of the 7,700 new cases since May 1 in this very heavily tested and traced country were among those who were fully vaccinated.

Israel National News reports that this data was presented to the Israeli Ministry of Health and gave the following breakdown of breakthrough infections in those vaccinated versus those who were previously infected:

With a total of 835,792 Israelis known to have recovered from the virus, the 72 cases of reinfection represent 0.0086% of those already infected with COVID.

In contrast, vaccinated Israelis were 6.72 times more likely to be infected after injection than after natural infection, with more than 3,000 of 5,193,499, or 0.0578%, of vaccinated Israelis having been infected in the last wave.

With over 60% of their respective populations now fully vaccinated, Israel and the UK are perfect case studies demonstrating that vaccines do not play the predominant role in slowing the spread of the virus. If you compare all European countries in terms of recent cases per million to vaccination rates, you will see a zero correlation, and in fact, Eastern European countries with low vaccination rates seem to have fewer cases.

Dr Ryan Cole, a Mayo Clinic-trained pathologist who runs Idaho’s largest independent lab, explained to me how infection-induced immunity runs so much deeper and wider. “Natural infection induces hundreds and hundreds of antibodies against all proteins of the virus, including the envelope, membrane, nucleocapsid and peak,” said Dr Cole, who has spent the past 16 months at examine and cultivate SARS-CoV. -2 specimens. “Dozens and dozens of these antibodies neutralize the virus when encountered again. In addition, due to the exposure of the immune system to these many proteins (epitomes), our T cells also have robust memory. T cells are the “marine” of the immune system and the first line of defense against pathogens. T cell memory in people infected with SARSCOV1 is 17 years old and continues to function. “

However, in vaccine-induced immunity, according to Cole, “we mount an antibody response only against the peak and its constituent proteins.” He explains how this produces much less neutralizing antibodies, and “because the virus preferentially mutates at the peak level, these proteins are shaped differently and the antibodies can no longer” lock and bind “to these new forms.”

It is simply criminal for world governments to suggest that those with deeper and wider natural immunity should risk the side effects of a vaccine whose effectiveness is now expected to wane. Much of the focus now is on people’s fear of the “Delta variant”, but it could very well be that the vaccine’s effectiveness will wane (contrary to what they predicted with a natural infection. ) over time, regardless of mutations. Some Israeli health officials are speculating that vaccine-induced immunity may wane after six months, which is why Pfizer is already pushing for a third dose, without learning from all the unnecessary deaths and side effects people just suffered in exchange for questionable immunity.

Compare that with immunity to infection, which has been shown to be impermeable in all studies. Irish researchers recently published a review of 11 cohort studies with more than 600,000 recovered COVID patients in total who were followed for more than 10 months. They found that the reinfection rate was only 0.27% “with no studies showing an increased risk of reinfection over time”.

In addition, the only study (from Qatar) analyzed that estimated the risk of reinfection at the population level based on whole genome sequencing in a subset of patients with evidence to support reinfection estimated the risk at 0.1%. More importantly, the study found no evidence of decline in immunity for more than seven months of the follow-up period. The few re-infections that did occur “were less severe than the primary infections” and “only one re-infection was serious, two were moderate, and none were critical or fatal.”

Despite the endless media search for cases of severe reinfection, they failed to find it. Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist and vice chief of medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, told me in an interview that “there has never been a second confirmed infection beyond 90 days. with similar or worse cardinal symptoms and confirmed PCR / Antigen. / Sequencing test “in a case where the patient already had a well-documented case of acute illness. He notes that most database studies that attempt to quantify reinfection” are not sufficiently reliable to report recurrent cases. ” and usually contain false positive PCR on one or more occasions.

McCullough is one of the five most published medical researchers in the United States, and his article in the American Journal of Medicine in August 2020 on the treatment protocol for COVID remains the most downloaded and used article during the pandemic of this log.

The media has constantly focused on antibody levels and the observation that they often drop months after infection; however, as with other viruses, this does not indicate a decrease in immunity. “Yes, our antibody levels decrease over time, however, scientifically, it has been proven that the memory B cells that make the antibodies are present in our lymph nodes and bone marrow,” explained Dr. Cole. “They are primed and ready to produce a wide range of antibodies upon viral pre-exposure. It would be physiologically, energetically impossible to maintain high antibody levels against all of the pathogens to which we are constantly exposed, and we Would look like the ‘puft marshmallow man’ ‘stay swollen’ lymph nodes, all the time, if the immune system were forced to do so.

Already in April, researchers at Tel Aviv University concluded that their research “calls into question the need to vaccinate people recently infected previously.” Unfortunately, it seems the Israeli government has not listened.

Thus, treating variants like “Delta” by focusing only on risky injections with questionable effectiveness is the most counterproductive strategy of all time. Very comprehensive UK data updated last week only shows a case fatality rate of 0.2% for Delta, and just 0.03% for those under 50, lower than any other variant. If it’s more transmissible, it’s less deadly. Natural infection is the only phenomenon that will eventually exhaust all variants, and the emphasis should be on early treatment of the elderly and other vulnerable people as soon as they experience symptoms and even a prophylactic regimen of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, if applicable.

Just imagine if all the trillions of dollars spent on blockages and vaccines had been used for cheap antiviral and anti-inflammatory treatments for use outside of hospitals. This is the only thing that has not been attempted, because there is nothing to be gained except saving lives.


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