How a person vape, not just what a person vape, could also play an important role in Harm Vaping


After six deaths and 380 confirmed and probable cases of lung disease in the United States, the Trump administration has called for the ban on the most flavored electronic cigarettes because of their considerable appeal to young people.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention closely examines the various flavored nicotine juices and other substances that users can spray into electronic cigarettes to determine how the aerosol could affect users' lungs.

On September 12, 2019, the CDC reduced the number of confirmed and probable cases from over 400 to 380. This number was lower, the agency said, because it no longer reports "possible cases".

The mystery and anxiety remain. And many smokers who use these devices to quit smoking fear that a valuable tool will be removed from them.

Researchers need to know more. These devices have a short history. As an engineer who studies how tobacco products are consumed, I believe that user behavior is essential to understanding the positive and negative health effects of e-cigarettes. After all, their intention was to help people quit, the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.

The way users inflate, how long they inflate and what they inflate all play a role. We do not yet know how much this behavior affects the amount of each substance that vapers consume in their daily lives, but we have reason to believe that this is important.

The failed promise of alternative products to nicotine

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