How Armstrong and Aldrin planted the British flag on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission REVEALED | Science | New


Keith Wright, of Nottingham, worked closely with experiments for the famous Apollo 11 mission and revealed that he had traced a tiny British flag on a solar panel for the satellite. Mr. Wright worked at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and revealed how, during a rehearsal for the mission, he took the opportunity to give the British a "credit" for the most historic moment of the twentieth century.

Following a new attempt with MM. Armstrong and Aldrin, the team knew that the scientific equipment would be left on the moon and decided to use a ballpoint pen to sign his name and draw the flag that will be placed on the moon on the 21st July. 1969

Mr. Wright told his incredible story about The One Show. He said, "We were working on the experiments that astronauts were going to put on the lunar surface. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin came to visit us on our premises.

"The experiment involved two supports that held the solar panels folded during their journey to the moon.

"We got a pen and signed our names, I signed my name and I thought I would put" UK. "Then I thought I would draw a small Union flag.

"So we drew a small Union flag, we put it on the package of experiences and it went to the moon."

After Mr. Armstrong took his first steps on the moon and made a "giant leap for humanity" to place the American flag, the astronauts then placed several solar panels on the surface, including the drawing of the flag. 'Union.

The monumental event has been watched by 530 million people around the world.

The landings were remarkable 50 years ago and Mr. Wright revealed that Mr. Armstrong was "very relaxed" when he saw her on the eve of the mission.

He added: "Neil was very relaxed and rather funny.

"We were so focused on our work and seeing that they could do it right, it seemed almost normal.

"But, thinking afterwards, I had their signatures."


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