How could hackers trick unconscious scientists into producing dangerous genes?


Illustration from the article titled How Hackers Could Trick Unconscious Scientists into Producing Dangerous Genes

Photo: Juan Mabromata (Getty Images)

In a new letter to the editor taken from the prestigious scientific journal Nature, a team of Israeli researchers asks a frankly insane question: Could a hack lead a scientist to be cheated by creating a piece of genetic code that is harmful – or potentially toxic – rather than useful?

The answer seems to be yes, but with a few pretty important caveats. The “end-to-end cyber-biology attack” described above requires lackluster cybersecurity efforts on both sides of the genetic research supply chain: both academics who might order germplasm online and laboratories who could provide these materials. While this type of attack has yet to be seen in the wild, the research team behind the letter stressed that it is not out of the realm of possibility, especially since more and more genetic research is moving into the digital realm.

At the heart of this hypothetical hack is the software that biologists use to “print” strands of DNA from scratch and then put them together, a process known as “DNA synthesis. In recent years, we have seen this synthesis software underpin tons of revolutionary biomedical research. In the mad rush to create a cure for Covid-19, for example, a handful of large pharmaceutical companies have turned to use artificial DNA strands as one of the components of their experimental vaccines.

But software – even software used to write strings of biological code – is still software, which means it can still be pirated. Futuristic and scientists look alike sounded this specific alarm for years. And Back in 2017, a team of researchers from the University of Washington demonstrated that it was possible to code malware directly into one of these synthetic DNA strands, albeit with a lot of trial and error, and the malware only worked because it intentionally had disturbed the software they intended to attack. (And ones Wired wrote although, the attack was only fully translated about 37% of the time. “)

This case and the case described in this new letter are theoretical. But as Israeli researchers say, these cases are theoretical. But as the Israeli team puts it, “the threat is real” – especially as synthetic DNA underlies more and more biomedical research.

Illustration from article titled How Hackers Could Trick Unconscious Scientists into Producing Dangerous Genes

Graphic: Biotechnology of nature (Fair use)

Here’s how the hack would play out (theoretically): Let’s say you have a bioengineer working at a university, who is working on a new vaccine that requires specific strings of synthetic DNA. These chains are each made up of four different chemical elements – or “bases,” in biology jargon – arranged in a specific sequence.

As the researchers point out, not all academic institutions have the best cybersecurity chops, which means that it is quite possible for a bad actor to hijack this engineer’s computer with some kind of malware. Because the bulk of the purchase of these synthetic DNA strands happening online, there’s a chance that the wrong actor behind the initial hijacking could also hijack this gene-finding software, swapping particular chunks of that requested code.

Technically, synthetic DNA suppliers are required to verify any requested sequence against a massive federal database listing particular “sequences of concern” that could be used to create, for example, a deadly chemical agent or potential biological weapon. But these guidelines are both poorly applied and fairly easy to circumvent by the same type of darkening loved by bad players in the tech industry. By scrambling their request in this way, the Israeli team was able to place an order for a particularly toxic peptide from a large synthetic biology company, and that company’s screening software completely ignored the shady sequences. The team even had their order moved to the production line before contacting the company to cancel it.

Going back to our anonymous bioengineer earlier, it’s entirely possible that his hacked computer could put in a similar faulty order, to go with the same colors. If the resulting genetic sequence ends up in her hands – and she ends up injecting said sequence into a cell – she could end up producing something potentially harmful, rather than the piece of the vaccine that she (supposedly) has. ordered.

Global Synthetic Biology Market Expected To Exceed $ 19 Billion During The Period next five years. Some of the companies in this space have won massive reviews by them selves.

Of course, the scenario described in the letter is less of an immediate threat, but rather the sort of thing that should be a wake-up call to buyers and suppliers in the synthetic biology industry. But frankly, it’s a wake-up call they could both use.


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