How does Jordyn Woods treat the Kardashian Fallout drama?


A social scandal can tear your life apart and nobody knows it better than Jordyn Woods. She lost her friends and reputation all at once, but she does not let him lose her well-being.

Curiously, Woods handles the crisis better than you might expect. It's a difficult situation, but she did not just go through it, she grew up and became a better person. If you struggle in your life, his ability to win may inspire you.

The scandal that shocked Jordyn Wood's life

Jordyn Woods
Jordyn Woods | Matt Winkelmeyer / Getty Images

Woods lived the good life as Kylie Jenner's best friend, when a massive scandal shocked her life. In case you lived under a rock without hearing what was going on, Woods got involved with the wrong man. She was surprised kissing her by Khloe Kardashian's boyfriend and little dad Tristan Thompson at a party.

The event tore up her relationship with Jenner in two and she was essentially excommunicated from the Kardashian clan. Suddenly, people all over the world were commenting on his personal life and calling him.

How Woods handles the stress of all the drama

A weaker person might have let all the drama destroy his life. But Woods managed to get out of it, and one could even say: prosper. For a long time, his whole identity was associated with Kardashians. She lived with Kylie Jenner and often appeared on her Instagram account and in reality TV.

Woods is now using this break to find out who she is, without the Kardashians. However, something that is not part of his new identity, all the names call him after the scandal. Woods does not let others decide who she is.

"Everyone is trying to understand what I'm doing, but to be honest, I do not know what I'm doing. I'm trusting myself, "she told Teen Vogue. "At 21, it's all very early, though I feel so old. It's time to determine who you are and not let anyone define you. "

Woods uses some tools to deal with all this new attention. In an effort to keep her sanity under control, Woods logs she attributes to the "save". The habit of journaling may have come from his family. His mother and younger sister are also newspapers, and his mother encourages the habit by storing blank notebooks around the house.

Woods uses his diary to express himself without fear that his words will be misinterpreted. It's a safe place that only she can see. "I always had them," Woods said of his newspapers. "But especially now, I have problems with trust. My book is not going to tell anyone something. "

When the scandal hit, Woods found himself to stay inside to avoid the media. As a result, she started several new hobbies. She continued her love of journaling, but she also added puzzles, painting, playing the piano and watching Stranger things.

Woods had trouble understanding the drama, but she was used to dealing with difficult things. Two years ago, she lost her father to cancer. "It's not all that intense. The loss of my father has prepared me for everything that goes on in life, and … life has thrown me really crazy things. It's part of the process, "she said.

Woods; career is flourishing

The scandal has also drawn attention to the fact that it has opened several doors that may not have been opened before. When the news was broadcast, everyone knew his name and Woods was able to draw his attention to new career opportunities.

His number of Instagram followers has grown dramatically to reach 10.5 million followers, giving him the chance to earn a lot of money with sponsored publications. It has launched two new clothing lines, BooHoo, and a line of sportswear suitable for all sizes, called SECNDNTURE. And she travels around the world to discuss new project opportunities.

In some ways, you could even say that the scandal has been beneficial for his career. But one thing is for sure, it's going to be fine for Woods.


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