How having children changed George Clooney’s outlook on life


For two decades after his 1993 divorce from Talia Balsam, George Clooney was consistently on Hollywood’s Most Eligible Singles List. The charm, the sophisticated layout, the salt and pepper hair… you get the idea. Although he was involved in a few romances that captured the attention of the public (and the paparazzi), he only remarried a few years back.

George clooney
George Clooney | Getty Images / Getty Images for Hollywood Foreign Press Association

George Clooney married Amal Alamuddin – one of the world’s most respected international rights lawyers – in 2014. Together they have two children, Alexander Clooney and Ella Clooney. Ella and Alexander are three-year-old twins. During an interview with GQ, Clooney spoke about his family and how having children has changed his outlook on life. For many years he was a career-first person who felt satisfied with his life, believing that it was “full” and “doing well”. Marriage and children changed everything for the Gravity star.

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George Clooney talks about ’empty space’ he never knew existed in his life

Clooney told GQ he didn’t realize there was something missing in his life until he had him – a family. He said:

I’m going to work, I have good friends, my life is busy, I’m fine. And I didn’t know how empty it was until I met Amal… Then everything changed. And I was like, “Oh, actually, it’s been a huge empty space”

George Clooney | GQ

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Clooney to care more about someone else’s life than his own

Clooney explained that there was enough work after her divorce. Having close friends by his side was all he thought he needed. Yet after meeting Alamuddin and having children, he realized what it was like to care about someone else’s life more than yours. He shared:

… Because I had never been in a situation where someone else’s life was infinitely more important to me than mine. You know? And then nail on two other individuals, which are small and need to be fed.…

George Clooney | GQ

As the interview continued, one of Clooney’s children, Alexander, came over to sit on his father’s lap. The instincts of Clooney’s father quickly began, as the actor noted that his son had chocolate on his face. He continued to tease him, arguing that he must have been “15”. Clooney explained that he was the guy who heard a child cry and fidget; now he’s the guy with the crying kid.


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