Wisconsin has passed 3,000 COVID-19 deaths


MADISON, Wisconsin (WBAY) – Wisconsin has taken another milestone during the COVID-19 pandemic. On Saturday, the Department of Health Services (DHS) reported 51 more deaths, leading the state to cross the 3,000 cumulative death mark.

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services reported 17,893 new coronavirus test results in the past 24 hours, with 6,224 positive tests – a positivity rate of 34.78%. This marks a third day of decline for the two new cases, but Saturday marked a rise in the positivity rate after a two-day drop. The 7-day average for new cases dropped to 6,408 after a two-day drop. There were 11,669 negative tests in the last batch of results.

The 51 recently reported deaths in Wisconsin bring the total death toll to 3,005. COVID-19 is currently the fourth leading cause of death in Wisconsin. The state has averaged 54 deaths per day over the past 7 days, which remains stable from Friday’s average, which was an increase from Thursday’s 52-day average. The death rate is currently 0.86%.

Case and death numbers by county will be listed later in this article.

Governor Tony Evers on Friday released a new order for face masks, as he announced earlier this week. Under the ordinance, anyone 5 years of age or older must wear a face mask whenever indoors or in an enclosed space with someone outside of their home. The governor cited the increasing number of hospitalizations straining hospitals by issuing the new public health order. He noted that this does not only affect patients with COVID-19; there are fewer beds, fewer staff and fewer resources available for people who need to be hospitalized for other reasons, such as heart attacks, strokes, and accidents.

Health Secretary-designate Andrea Palm released a statement: “We know hospitalizations are a lagging indicator, which means we will need even more capacity for our hospitals in the coming weeks with our cases. current. We need every Wisconsinite to take this seriously to stay home. That is why it is imperative that we act now to brake the transmission. “

DHS says 208 patients with COVID-19 have been hospitalized in the past 24 hours. Daily hospitalizations fell below 200 for the first time in four days on Friday. The Wisconsin Hospital Association report on Friday states that there are currently 2,076 COVID-19 in hospitals. Of these, 441 are in intensive care on the third day of this pandemic. The alternative care facility – the State Fairgrounds Field Hospital – is treating 20 patients, an increase of three from Friday.

The state says 15,734 people have been hospitalized for COVID-19 treatment since the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in Madison less than 10 months ago.

A total of 351,169 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Wisconsin. The state says 21.6% of all these cases are active, or 75,922 people diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus in the past 30 days and have not been medically eliminated. This is down from 21.9% Friday and 22.3% Thursday. There are 272,180 people diagnosed with the virus who are considered recovered.


This year, COVID-19 killed more people in Wisconsin than flu and pneumonia, suicide and kidney disease in 2018 combined. The virus now compares to the 4th leading cause of death in Wisconsin, behind heart disease, cancer and accidents, based on the CDC’s 2018 mortality report, the latest mortality figures available.

CDC mortality figures are based on 12 months. The first deaths from COVID-19 in Wisconsin were reported 8 months ago.

PREPARATION IN THE HOSPITAL – these numbers are from Friday and will be updated when Saturday numbers become available.

According to the Wisconsin Hospital Association, the state’s 134 hospitals have 154 open intensive care beds, or 10.6% of the state’s intensive care beds. It further states that 13.1% of all hospital beds are open to intensive care, intermediate care, medico-surgical surgery and negative flow isolation.

The 13 hospitals in the Fox Valley area have a total of 6 open intensive care beds, or 5.8%, and one intermediate care bed. Overall, 9.1% of all hospital beds are open in this region serving eight counties. Hospitals are treating 137 patients with COVID-19, including 19 in ICUs.

The 10 hospitals in the Northeast region have 16 open intensive care beds, or 7.7% of the intensive care beds in the Seven County region, and 14.4% of all beds are available overall . These hospitals are caring for 185 patients with COVID-19, 54 in intensive care.

The availability of hospital beds can vary significantly from day to day with new admissions, deaths, discharges for patients treated for all conditions, not just COVID-19. An open bed doesn’t necessarily mean it’s available for a patient if the hospital doesn’t have the staff – doctors, nurses, even food workers – to support it.

The supply needs remain largely unchanged. Twenty-three hospitals are reporting less than a week of gowns – an improvement from 25 on Thursday – while 13 lack paper medical masks, 9 hospitals need glasses and 6 need N95 masks.

SATURDAY COUNTY CASE NUMBERS WILL BE HERE Coming Soon (Counties with new cases or deaths are shown in bold.) *

* Viewers asked us why the state had different numbers than reported on some county health department websites. DHS reports cases from all health departments within a county, including tribal, city, and county health departments; county websites cannot. Additionally, public health departments update their data at different times as DHS freezes the numbers it receives at the same time each day to compile the afternoon report.

The EDS reports deaths attributed to COVID-19 or in which COVID-19 contributed to their deaths. Most people severely affected by the coronavirus have underlying illnesses or conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease or obesity, which increase the risk of dying from COVID-19, but would have lived longer without their infection. The state may revise the numbers of cases and deaths after further examination, such as the victim’s residence, duplicate records, or a correction of lab results. Details can be found on the DHS website and on Frequently Asked Questions.

** The state of Michigan does not update figures on Sunday. Monday’s figures include updates from the Saturday reporting deadline.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has identified these symptoms as possible symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Fever of 100.4 or more
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chills
  • Repeated shaking with chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • New loss of taste or smell


  • The coronavirus is a new virus, or “new”. No one has natural immunity to it. Children and adolescents seem to recover from the virus better. Seniors and those with underlying health conditions (heart disease, diabetes, lung disease) are considered at high risk, according to the CDC. Precautions are also necessary for people with developing or weakened immune systems.
  • To help prevent the spread of the virus:
  • Stay at least six feet from other people
  • Avoid close contact with people who are or appear to be sick
  • Stay home as much as possible
  • Cancel events and avoid groups, gatherings, play dates and non-essential appointments
  • Stay home when you are sick, except for medical attention
  • Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a mask. At a minimum, use a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or use the inside of your elbow.

Health experts say face masks are still the most effective way for the general public to slow the spread of the coronavirus, but only if the masks are worn correctly – on the nose and chin. County and state health officials are calling back and urging people to stay home when they are feeling sick, to avoid large gatherings, and to stay six feet away from people who are not your hearth.

To help people understand how their decisions affect their own health and the health of others, the Department of Health Services has a decision tool at https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19 /decision.htm. The tool describes the importance of choices and offers suggestions for making activities safer.

Copyright 2020 WBAY. All rights reserved.


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