How I wish I could have prepared for COVID-19


On December 31, my husband came home with news that we had both dreaded for months: he had tested positive for COVID-19. A seemingly common seasonal cold turned out to be the virus. Three days later, a doctor confirmed that I too was a COVID statistic from New York. Somehow, even after nine months of the pandemic, we didn’t feel fully prepared.

Here’s what I wish I had known.

Be prepared with a COVID home kit. Fortunately, my husband and I have had relatively mild cases that looked more like a head cold in the early days. He briefly had a fever and neither of us had a bad cough. It wasn’t until the sixth or seventh day of our COVID calendar that we lost the taste and smell – this would have been our big indicator that it was COVID if we hadn’t been tested. earlier.

I say this because everyone should take cold symptoms, even basic ones, seriously. It is essential that you self-isolate until you can get tested, which means you want a “COVID kit” of over-the-counter drugs prepared at home. That way, you don’t have to go to the pharmacy – and risk infecting other people – for basics like Tylenol, a cough suppressant, cough drops, VapoRub, decongestants. for sinuses and nighttime relief medications. We read labels to see how the ingredients interacted with each other, and we tracked when we were taking medication with a notepad on the fridge.

Other things you will want in your kit are a thermometer and maybe an oximeter, rubber or latex gloves, and wipes or spray to disinfect common areas. This is especially important for those who live in apartment buildings and may still need to go outside (eg to let a dog out).

Create a support plan. Many families create “disaster plans” setting out a protocol for what to do in an emergency. It’s good to have one in case a family member, especially the one you live with, is positive. If the parents are sick but the children are staying healthy, discuss a strategy for keeping them safe and isolated from you.

In reality, not everyone in the same household can isolate themselves. Like many New Yorkers, we don’t have a second bathroom or spare bedroom, so once my husband tested positive it was a matter of time for me. But at the very least, anyone can wear masks and gloves in the common areas at home. You can also make a plan on how to get food dropped off by friends, neighbors, or delivery services. You should also keep canned or dried produce on hand in case it takes a day or two to sort everything out.

Look for free test sites. Part of your COVID plan should include knowing exactly where and how you can get tested. Ideally, those who suspect they are positive should seek drive-through test sites to avoid being in confined spaces with others. You can also research if your region offers free testing to reduce the potential cost. Be sure to search government websites to avoid potential scams.

By the time I was able to get an appointment for a test, I was quite confident about the result. So I wore rubber gloves in addition to my mask when I went to CityMD to be tested. Even for the check-in process, I only used a gloved hand and brought wipes to disinfect things like iPads that I needed to touch.

Prepare to negotiate medical bills. Many people won’t have the same mild enough COVID experience as I did and may end up requiring hospitalization or additional doctor visits. If you end up with medical bills, it’s important to know that you have the power to negotiate. First of all, you need to request an itemized bill to check for any errors or incorrect medical codes. Second, call the hospital directly and inquire about income-based reduction programs. If you are not eligible, you can request to set up an installment plan or, if possible, see if you can get a discount for the initial payment of the lump sum.

You should also call your doctor’s office within 60 days of your visit to follow up on any bills to prevent items from going to collections and damaging your credit score.

Don’t neglect your sanity. This is one of the hardest parts of COVID-19. The isolation, combined with the shame of contracting the disease and the fear of who else you might have put at risk, can be overwhelming. Then there is the stress that at any time your illness could get worse and put you on a ventilator. For those who are already prone to anxiety or depression, this can be a dangerous mix. Don’t dismiss the need to take your mental health seriously, especially if you live alone.

Plan regular virtual contact with your loved ones. There are also resources for affordable teletherapy, such as the Open Path Psychotherapy Collective, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) helpline, or apps like Talkspace or Betterhelp. Your state may also offer options (New York State has a COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline).

I am optimistic that mass vaccination will allow the United States to reopen safely and bring us to a new normal. But it could take several more months. We all need to be careful, take cold symptoms seriously, and be prepared for what lies ahead.

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