How many Alabamians are in front of you for the vaccine?


On Monday, Jan. 18, Alabama is set to begin the next phase of vaccine deployment, encouraging members of the public, if they are old enough, to sign up for the first time.

The state will officially enter phase 1b, not fully, but will begin to accept two groups in 1b. These are people aged 75 and over and first responders, such as police and firefighters.

The rest of 1b, including essential workers and people living in group homes, will come next. The same is true for people over 65. There were some in Wave 3, Group 1c, but the CDC recommended all states move faster to vaccinate anyone over 65.

But how many people are there in each of these groups in Alabama?

How many people are in each vaccinated group?

Being part of a specific group – like frontline workers or people 75 and over – can bring you closer to the frontline for the coronavirus vaccine. Here is an estimate of the number of people in each group. | Graphic by Ramsey Archibald

Within each phase of the Alabama Department of Public Health’s immunization distribution plan, there are specific groups. The state estimates that nearly 347,000 people are already eligible for the vaccine under phase 1a, which includes medical staff and people living or working in nursing homes.

The ADPH estimates that there are approximately 350,000 people in Alabama aged 75 or older, and another 501,000 aged 65 to 74. The state says Phase 1b of the vaccine rollout, including essential workers, includes 783,000 people – including around 40,000 people living or working in congregational settings, which includes group homes and homeless shelters.

Phase 1c will include 775,000 additional people, including essential workers. And the state estimates that there are nearly 1.9 million people in Alabama with one or more of the following illnesses: obesity, diabetes, COPD, heart disease, or chronic kidney disease.

If you add all of those numbers up, that equates to roughly 4.7 million Alabamians who will be eligible for a vaccine before the state can start turning to everyone. But the number is not really that high. This state has only about 4.9 million people, and the total is inflated because people may belong to more than one group – that is, a policeman with kidney disease or a surgeon with kidney disease. 66 years old.

Progress so far has been slow, as Alabama just vaccinated just 2% of the population – the lowest rate in the country. But officials expect things to speed up as levels expand and more people can sign up.

To register for a vaccine or find local contact details, click here.

Do you have an idea for a data story on Alabama? Email Ramsey Archibald at [email protected]and follow him on Twitter @RamseyArchibald. Read more Alabama data stories here.


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