How Meghan Markle used a ‘bold’ networking strategy to get stronger


Before Meghan Markle’s meeting with Prince Harry, she was already a big name in Hollywood as she starred in blockbuster legal drama Suit, had contracts with major fashion designers and even had its own website called The Tig.

Regarding his success, celebrity biographer Sean Smith, in his new book Meghan misunderstood, revealed how the Duchess of Sussex was able to make major connections.

According to Smith, Meghan used a networking technique during her visit to London in the summer of 2016.

“One of the strategies Meghan used to improve her profile was to put herself next to a famous person; they both could benefit from the resulting publicity. This approach had worked well, for example, when she was pictured with Irish golf champion Rory McIlroy. ,” he wrote.

“He poured cold water over her as part of the ALS ice bucket challenge which was very trendy for a while. Rory had named Meghan, which meant he was the one tossing the water. and that she was the one that was soaked. “

The writer also revealed that Meghan liked to strike up a conversation and would text people she didn’t know, in the hopes that they would respond.

“Meghan didn’t care to send someone cold messages. She was used to using social media to reach out. She had done so boldly at first. The Tig and get in touch with model Heidi Klum, whom she had never met. “

Meghan had launched her lifestyle blog, The Tig, in May 2014. On September 9, she wrote about Klum and then asked him to contribute to the blog.

“Last year at a Golden Globe after-party, I spotted what can only be described as the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Yes, empirically speaking, Heidi Klum is gorgeous” , she writes.

“But it was more than that… she looked real.” Like the kind of chick you’d like to have a drink with, who juggles the role of mom and being a producer / host / model / designer and isn’t afraid to get dirty or laugh at herself. “


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