How much coffee should you drink per day?


Not more than six cups, according to a new study.

In the end, there is a good compromise to determine the right amount of coffee to drink a day. A new study from the University of South Australia determined that six cups corresponded to the maximum that a person should consume daily. Not more than that, and you run the risk of increasing cardiovascular disease by 22%.

In Australia, one in six people is affected by cardiovascular disease, which is a leading cause of death in one person every 12 minutes worldwide. A press release quotes the World Health Organization claiming that it is the leading cause of death, but one of the most preventable.

Caffeine is the stimulant we all crave and enjoy with our morning java, but it increases blood pressure, which in turn is hard on the heart. This study "confirms the point at which excess caffeine can cause high blood pressure, a precursor to heart disease".

Six cups may seem excessive for the average person. It's all an amount of caffeine that is likely to give you nervousness and streaks, maybe even nausea, but it's not so exaggerated as one might think. The portion of a cup size used in the study measured 8 ounces, while the most popular takeaway size of coffee is 12 ounces and it's not unusual to see 16 or 20 ounces. Modern farmer observed,

"The average amount of coffee consumed by coffee drinkers each day is three cups, according to the National Coffee Association, which means that six cups would not be unheard of, at 7.5 cups, much more than the search indicates is safe. "

The world of coffee research is currently debating what constitutes a safe quantity. A study last year revealed that it was acceptable to drink at least eight cups a day, although the benefits seem to come from beans rich in antioxidants themselves, rather than caffeine. Before that, it was three cups which was the ideal quantity.

So, who knows what the final definitive answer can be (if there is one)? The fact is that moderate coffee drinkers can rest assured that their several cups of brain juice are going perfectly well. On this note, it's time to refuel …

Not more than six cups, according to a new study.


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