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By Shamard Charles, M.D.

Balancing work and everyday life is a challenge facing many workers in the United States.

Excelling in the office, exceeding expectations and climbing the corporate ladder are all part of the American dream. But many Americans have trouble balancing work, family life and privacy.

And this fight can lead to a feeling all too familiar: burnout.

In fact, burnout is such a serious problem in the United States and around the world that the World Health Organization decided to address the problem at the recent World Health Assembly, which is held in Geneva.

The WHO said Tuesday that "burnout" was a "professional phenomenon" that could lead a person to seek care even if it did not go so far as to call it an official state of health.

The international body has even updated its international classification list of diseases, used worldwide as a reference for health diagnosis, to include the following identifiers to help doctors easily detect the syndrome:

  • Feelings of exhaustion or exhaustion of energy
  • Increased mental distance from work or feelings of negativism or job-related cynicism
  • Reduced professional efficiency.

Why are we so exhausted?

One of the reasons may be increasing globalization and the use of technology, which imposes connectivity 24/7, creating an environment in which it is almost impossible to disengage from work.

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, which represents the vast majority of the world's most advanced economies, reports that 11% of US employees work 50 hours or more per week and that an average American spends 40% of his day working his work. As a result, the United States is at the bottom of the work-life balance in developed countries.

Burnout also costs: stressful jobs contribute 120,000 deaths each year and cost US companies up to $ 190 billion in health care costs, according to a 2016 article by Harvard researchers Business School and the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University.


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