How to lose weight after 40, according to experts


Once you hit 40, losing weight may seem like a lost cause. Dr. Robert Kushner, director of the Center for Lifestyle Medicine at the Northwestern Medicine Center in Chicago and author of “Six Factors To Cope: Weight Loss That Works For You,” said TODAY that the total amount of calories burned each day decreases for most people with each passing decade.

“Our metabolism slows down due to reduced muscle mass, and our daily physical activities, especially the time spent exercising, decrease,” Kushner said. “If these biological changes are not accompanied by a corresponding reduction in dietary calories, we will experience a slow and steady increase in our body weight.”

Still, losing weight after reaching 40 is not impossible. Here are five ways backed by experts to tackle mid-life weight loss.

1. Change your diet

To adjust to your body’s slowing metabolism, it’s important to be mindful of the calories you’re consuming, Kushner said. He explained that choosing nutritious foods with fewer calories per bite will still help you feel full and satisfied.

“Instead of eating less of everything and feeling deprived, you want to replace foods that are higher in calories, such as fried foods, high-fat meats, cookies, cakes, candy (and) crisps, through nutrient-dense, lower-calorie foods, such as vegetables, fruits, salads, bean dishes, broth-based soups and whole grains like oats, ”Kushner said, adding that the high water and fiber content of foods like these increase their bulk, making them more satisfying for fewer calories.

Here are three more ways to change your diet after 40:

  • Make sure your meals and snacks contain lean, low-fat sources of protein. This strategy will help you feel more satisfied between meals, according to Kushner.
  • Be aware of your starch portions. Not many people eat too much broccoli and salad, but it’s common to eat oversized portions of pasta, rice, and grains.
  • Make sure you have a mix of food groups with meals and snacks. Instead of a large bowl of cereal with milk, try a smaller amount of cereal with fruit and a serving of mixed nuts.

2. Keep track of what you snack on

Even if you eat reasonably well, you can still have excess calories. Whether you’re eating oversized portions, grabbing thoughtless bites while cooking meals with the family, or grazing as part of a new working-from-home standard, everything you savor adds up. Tracking your food intake can be helpful. In a 24-week study, researchers found that the time spent logging food intake was significantly related to weight loss. If tracking your food (even with an app) seems intimidating, be aware that at the end of the study, those who were still engaged in tracking only spent 15 minutes a day doing it – about what you could spend to scroll Facebook or Instagram.

Here are four more ways to stay aware of what you’re eating:

  • Pay attention to when you start to feel satisfied and stop eating then.
  • Try to use a plate (or napkin or other substitute) every time you eat, and put your food down between bites.
  • Reduce or totally eliminate digital distractions while eating.
  • Ask yourself what you like about your food. Pay attention to taste, texture and temperature.

3. Aim to achieve several types of movements each week

“To achieve and maintain a healthy weight as we age, it is imperative that we incorporate a ‘portfolio of movements’ into our daily lives,” Kushner said. He explained that your portfolio should include activities of daily living (like walking, using the stairs, and cleaning), active fitness activities (like biking and using the elliptical), and strength training exercises. Kushner also recommended trying to cut down on the time you spend doing sedentary activities like watching TV. “These targeted action steps will boost metabolism and help maintain muscle mass,” he said.

Here are three ways to incorporate more movement into your life:

  • Set a reminder to do stretches or standing breaks every hour.
  • Try a free trial of popular fitness apps, like Peloton or Aaptiv, to see what types of formal exercise you enjoy.
  • Make a plan to work and then put the plan in motion. For example, if you plan on going for a brisk walk in the morning, set your alarm earlier, get out your workout clothes, and pack your water bottle.

4. Develop a set of stress management tools

At mid-life, the pressures build up. Just think about typical stressors, like caring for aging children and parents, coping with financial burdens, and dealing with the demands of a job. When you are stressed, your body responds by releasing the hormone cortisol. If your stress decreases, your hormone levels return to normal, but if you experience continued “adulthood” stress, cortisol levels will remain high. This can trigger a series of biological events that can lead to increased appetite along with more food cravings and a propensity to store fat in your belly.

Diaphragmatic breathing is a type of breathing practice that involves deep inhalations and exhalations. It triggers the body’s relaxation response and can help lower cortisol levels. To practice, try setting aside five minutes several times throughout the day.

You can also try these stress reducers:

  • Take a Zoom yoga class.
  • Use a weighted blanket when you sleep.
  • Take a few minutes to think about what you are grateful for.

5. Adopt good sleep habits

When you’re under-rested, your appetite-regulating hormones are bypassed, so your appetite is overworked, but the hormones that tell you you’re full don’t kick in quickly. Studies also suggest that when you lack sleep, it alters the way you think about food, causing you to crave more sweets and other less healthy foods.

Good stress management techniques and routine exercise will have positive effects on your sleep, but you may need to take extra steps to help you sleep better. For example, be proactive by going to bed and waking up at the same time most days, and allow yourself 30 minutes to relax and disconnect from your digital devices at night. Eating a plant-based diet, mostly whole foods and low in added sugar, also helps.

Here are some other ways to improve your sleep:

  • Stick to the healthy alcoholic drink limits of one drink per day for women and no more than two per day for men. More than that can cause sleep disturbances.
  • Avoid long and late naps.
  • Cut down on caffeinated drinks in the early afternoon.


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