How to lose weight without dieting – and it's easier than you think


Graeme Tomlinson, aka the Fitness Head, is a man on a mission.

He wants people to ditch fad diets and insists that they can still lose weight while eating pizza, chocolate and even one of their favorite foods.

This 31-year-old Aberdeen has hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram thanks to its pragmatic approach to food and weight loss.

And nothing irritates Graeme more than the diet industry that complicates the way people can lose weight.

He said, "I wanted to break it down so people could understand it.

Her inspiring messages dispel the mystery of the number of calories actually contained in our food.

Graeme has hundreds of thousands of social media followers

"There is so much waste that I wanted to tell them, there is only one way to lose weight, it is with a calorie deficit.

"People feel helpless and that's when they give up and start stuffing themselves – but you do not need to feel helpless."

Graeme insists that the formula is simple: lose weight by consuming fewer calories than you consume.

And no matter where you pull those calories.

Graeme wants to help people understand what they're eating

Forget the superfoods, you can have this biscuit or this piece of cake if you wish.

Worried to go out for a pizza? Do not be, just eat fewer calories the day before and the next day.

The key is to know how many calories there are in the foods you consume.

The former professional cricketer admits that this can be difficult at first because some so-called "health foods" are actually laden with calories.

His wise advice earned him an army of adepts

And simple treats, like your morning coffee and your share of brownie, can quickly be added.

But Graeme says that as soon as people start to realize the number of calories in most of their food, it becomes easy very quickly.

He explained, "The best diet people can follow is the one they can stick to.

"People need to be more aware of the nutritional aspect of the food that they eat.

Graeme also wants people to be more aware of what they're eating

"First of all, it's time to figure out the number of calories in what you eat, but it will eventually happen naturally and you'll know it by just looking."

But the biggest problem of the social media star is the diet industry itself.

Graeme, who debuted as a personal trainer before embarking on Instagram counseling, explains that the principles behind the most reputable diet companies are cutting calories, but that people have too much difficult to understand.

He said: "Slimming World is based on the idea of ​​a caloric deficit, but on a model where people do not know what they do not know.

Graeme is also determined to destroy as many myths about the diet as possible

"They create an environment where food is syn, or there is free food and it creates a bad relationship with food.

"WW follows a similar system, the point system creates a calorie deficit and people lose weight but they do not understand why."

This is the overabundance of companies selling dietetic products on social networks that has pushed Graeme to launch his own page.

Her inspirational articles cover everything from the calories in your favorite coffee fast foods to the so-called super foods.

People can always have a treat, they just need to know how many calories they contain

Chocolate, ice cream and biscuits are not prohibited, as long as you know what they contain.

He said: "People are starting to think of chocolate as a bad thing, but if they know they are consuming 250 calories and know what they have in calories for the day and they know it's not not great nutrition, they can eat something more nutritious later in the day. "

And what are his best tips for losing weight, aside from making sure you consume more calories than you eat?

Although Graeme does not qualify any poor quality food, he admits that protein-rich foods will satisfy you longer and prevent you from eating too much.

Any exercise is essential to help people lose weight

And be sure to move enough to burn some of what you put in your body.

Greame said, "Exercise and any movement is essential, but that does not mean you have to register at a gym or have a personal trainer.

"Walking 10,000 steps a day is a great way to burn calories and you also do it by breathing and sleeping – everything you do requires energy."

  • To follow the Fitness Chef on Instagram, click here.
  • To see his site, click here.


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