How to Maintain Medicare Coverage Avoiding Scammers During Open Enrollment / Public Information Service


LINCOLN, Neb. – With Medicare open enrollment set to start next week, Nebraskans aged 65 and over can expect to see a deluge of ads for so-called Advantage plans, where private insurance companies offer Medicare coverage with additional benefits which may include vision and dental coverage.

Alicia Jones, director of the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), for the Nebraska Department of Insurance, said it’s important not to let bells and whistles distract attention from selecting a plan that first meets your basic health needs.

“These additional benefits are great, but the primary function is health insurance,” Jones said. “So make sure the health side is what you need, that your doctors are taking it, that the costs seem to be working, and then you can move on to those additional benefits. “

Until December 7, Nebraska residents will also be able to select Medicare Plan B prescription drug coverage, a hot topic these days in the nation’s capital as Big Pharma strives to block efforts to allow Medicare to negotiate directly with drug manufacturers to reduce costs.

Starting this year, plans participating in Medicare’s senior savings model are now required to offer insulin for up to $ 35 per month, which could save some Nebraskans several hundred dollars a year.

Jones stressed that it’s important to check your coverage every year. She noted that some current plans will not be available next year and that a number of plans are increasing monthly premiums by 30-40%.

Jones stressed that it’s also important to keep an eye out for crooks posing as company or government officials. Her advice: don’t answer a phone call if you don’t know the caller, and never reply to messages sent via Facebook or email.

“If you’re interested in what they’re saying, find that company’s number and call it,” Jones urged. “That way you can know you are actually talking to the business, you can get real information, and you can make sure you don’t get scammed.”

To help you choose the right plan, call Jones and his team toll free at 1-800-234-7119 to make a free one-on-one appointment. Jones will also be leading an electronic town hall on Wednesday, October 13 at 10:00 a.m. To call or listen, visit

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