How to prevent wrinkles – 5 ways to reduce fine lines


how to prevent wrinkles

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We are bombarded with advertisements for creams, serums, injections and face rolls that promise to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles every day. There are many options and a lot of misinformation.

But the reality is that wrinkles are a natural part of aging. As you age, the skin loses elasticity and produces less collagen (a fiber that gives it more strength), resulting in fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, mouth and even neck.

Although genes play a role (thanks, mom and dad!), Some people are simply more prone to wrinkles than others, including those from certain ethnic backgrounds, according to research. Caucasian women are much more likely to show signs of aging earlier, while African, East Asian and Latin women may not develop wrinkles until perhaps a decade later.

This does not mean that you have no control over your physical appearance as you get older. You do not need a magic potion or expensive products to prevent wrinkles. Here's what experts have to say about skin aging and what really makes the difference in reducing these wrinkles.

No smoking

Choosing not to smoke is one of the best things you can do for your health in general. In addition to reducing your risk of several cancers and heart disease, you will avoid wrinkles (all over your body!) For a longer period.

Often, wrinkles in smokers only appear much later in life, but a study of 350 non-smokers, current smokers, and former smokers showed signs of
"Superficial microscopic wrinkles" in smokers aged 20 to 39 years.

This is because nicotine in cigarettes narrows the blood vessels in the upper layer of the skin, thus stopping blood flow, according to the Mayo Clinic. This decrease in oxygen prevents beneficial nutrients, such as vitamin A, from reaching your skin. In addition to this, tobacco is loaded with chemicals that damage your collagen and elastin, while some facial expressions (such as pinching the lips) can also accelerate the appearance of fine lines.

Pass the intense facial exercises

You may have heard that you can give your face a natural look by toning the muscles of the face with exaggerated expressions such as puffing your cheeks, pulling your tongue and squinting your lips. The studies are inconclusive and Rachel V. Reynolds, MD, a certified dermatologist at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center's Board of Directors in Boston, warns that this could even deepen the lines that develop naturally over time.

Of course, this does not mean that you should keep your smile under control, even if Kim Kardashian would have advised not to smile as an anti-wrinkle protection. The simple fact of activating the muscles involved in the smile can engender true feelings of happiness and make you look more trustworthy, according to a 2017 meta-analysis of 138 studies.

Prioritize sleep

That's right, getting your beauty sleep is a reality. When we sleep, our skin goes into healing mode: increase the rate of cellular renewal of the skin, thickening of the skin, collagen production and blood circulation to accelerate cell renewal.

"There is no injectable, laser or product that can do what sleep does," says Doris Day, MD, Board Certified Dermatologist and Associate Professor of Dermatology at Langone Medical Centers, New York University. The National Sleep Foundation recommends at least seven to nine hours per night.

And put aside any concerns that it is better to be on your back. During a normal night, we change position 16 to 20 times, so it is not useless to lose sleep by resting the head. Even if it's not the same, a silk pillowcase may have softer skin than cotton.

Never leave the house without sunscreen

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You probably already know, but it should be repeated: to prevent wrinkles and other sun damage, apply sunscreen early and often – and preferably do not rely solely on the makeup with SPF. This is because UV rays cause up to 80% of the damage caused by the sun as we age. This applies even to people with darker complexions.

Need another good reason to cover yourself with sunscreen? According to a 2016 study published in the newspaper, covering the SPF could allow your skin to repair itself by reducing brown spots, improving texture and increasing brightness. Dermatological Surgery.

Look for a broad-spectrum formula with a minimum of SPF 30 to protect your sunscreen against UVA (which penetrates deeper) and UVB (which causes burns). Always renew the application every two hours and after swimming or sweating. If you do not like to reapply over makeup, a powder-based sunscreen may be a useful option for touch-ups.

Try anti-wrinkle skin care

Although Botox and facial fillers are a quick fix, they are not always the most natural solution, not to mention price and needles. There are many other treatment options that help prevent wrinkles without a visit to the doctor. They just require a little more patience. Here are some key ingredients to watch for in your skin care:

  • retinol is a topical form of vitamin A over the counter that stimulates collagen smoothing wrinkles.
  • peptides are amino acid chains that help build up our collagen and our elastin. They look like retinols but are not as powerful or irritating.
  • resveratrol is an antioxidant that fights against free radicals (unstable molecules that can harm your skin cells) to prevent damage from collagen and elastin.
  • Hyaluronic acid is a humectant that draws water on the skin to temporarily plump fine lines.
  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps to produce collagen and illuminates the skin.
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant that works well with vitamin C to protect the skin, nourish the skin barrier and relieve inflammation.

    You'll find a number of these ingredients in our anti-aging anti-aging creams, our night creams, our vitamin C serums and our favorite eye creams, all recommended by dermatologists.

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