How to protect yourself and your family and pets against mosquitoes | The daily mail


The first West Nile death for Arizona in 2019 was reported in Maricopa County. Community Health Services in Yavapai County would like to remind everyone to protect themselves from mosquitoes, which will be more common during the monsoon season.

"Environmental health staff are routinely trapping mosquitoes throughout the county and will continue to do so during the monsoon season," said Leslie Horton, the county's director of health services. "No lab results have been positive for West Nile wearers this season."

Stephen Everett, county health services epidemiologist, added that no case of West Nile virus has been reported in Yavapai County.

Here are some ways to protect yourself and your family and pets from mosquitoes:

Avoid mosquito bites

Apply an insect repellent to the outside: use an insect repellent containing an EPA-approved ingredient (DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide), permethrin, picaridine (KBR 3023), eucalyptus lemon oil [p-methane 3, 8-diol (PMD)] or IR3535) according to the instructions on the product label. DEET products should not be used in infants less than 2 months of age, but at concentrations up to 30% in older children. The lemon eucalyptus oil should not be used in children under 3 years old.

Beware of mosquito rush hours: the hours from dusk to dawn are rush hour bites for many mosquitoes. Consider rescheduling outdoor activities in the evening or early morning in high-risk areas.

Clothes can help reduce mosquito bites: Wearing long sleeves, long pants and socks when you are outdoors will help keep mosquitoes away from your skin.

Protect your house from mosquitoes

Drain stagnant water: mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water. Limit the number of places around your house where mosquitoes can reproduce by draining or discarding items containing water. Check the gutters and drains: empty unused flower pots and wading pools and frequently change the water of the bird baths.

Install or Repair Mosquito Nets: Keep mosquitoes outside by having neat mosquito nets on all windows and doors.

Protect your animals

Pet owners should reduce the number of mosquito breeding sites on their property by eliminating stagnant water containers such as buckets, tires and wading pools, especially after heavy rains. Water troughs are excellent habitats for mosquito proliferation and should be rinsed at least once a week during the summer months to reduce the number of mosquitoes near the enclosures. Horse owners must keep horses in stalls at night to reduce their risk of exposure to mosquitoes.

If you live near any source of water in the county – and you see an influx of mosquitoes in the area – rest assured that the health department is at the top of the trapping system in the area. Many calls to the department regarding flying insects have been found to be gnats or gnats, which is equally embarrassing, but they carry no mosquito-borne diseases.


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