How to save our planet book


the duke and duchess of cambridge visit scotland on day one

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Yesterday, Prince Harry announced the release of his memoir, published by Penguin Random House. Now her brother Prince William has his own news on the books. The Duke of Cambridge writes the introduction to Earthshot: How to save our planet, a book on the Earthshot Prize. The book was co-authored by Colin Butfield, former executive director of the international conservation charity WWF, and award-winning producer / director Jonnie Hughes. Land shot will be released ahead of the Earthshot Award ceremony, scheduled in London on Sunday, October 17, 2021.

Earthshot: How to save our planet

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge launched the Earthshot Prize in 2020. Each year, the prize recognizes climate solutions and helps move these projects forward. Winners must strive to achieve at least one of Earthshot’s five goals: Protect and restore nature; Purify our air; Revive our oceans; Building a world without waste; and Let’s fix our climate. The award is inspired by President John F. Kennedy’s “Moonshot”, the former president’s mobilization of the scientific community to send Americans to the moon.

Earthshot: How to save our planet will focus on the organization’s five goals and will highlight, according to a statement, “the urgency of the environmental challenges facing our world while providing readers with inspiring case studies of the incredible solutions happening around the world to repair our planet “. The book will also be accompanied by a five-part BBC One series, which premieres this fall.

Alongside Prince William, the book will also include passages from Christiana Figueres, the former UN climate chief responsible for the Paris Agreement on climate change, singer Shakira Mebarak, environmental activist Hindu Oumarou Ibrahim , former astronaut Naoko Yamazaki and broadcaster and historian Sir David Attenborough. .

Land shot will be published more than a year ahead of Prince Harry’s memoir, tentatively scheduled for release in 2022. According to the publishing house’s announcement yesterday, the Duke of Sussex’s “literary memoirs” are expected to be “the narrative definitive experiences, adventures, losses and life lessons that helped shape it ”.

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