How to test the new features of Twitter (and help fix it for good)


Hate Twitter? Tired of seeing tweets out of order? Have you been complaining for a long time about its interface? Bored by Trump's insane tweets?

Well, you may not be able to solve all these problems, but you can do your part. This week, Twitter announced the launch of a "prototype" beta program, Twttr, focused primarily on changes to responses and user interaction. The program is open to the public, but you will need to apply to be accepted.

Here's all you need to know to join Twitter's new beta mode, which includes color-coded tweets (!):

What kind of changes are there?

Although Twitter did not share screenshots of its new interface, some changes include rounded and indented answers to make them appear more "affordable" and "similar" (this will look a bit like direct messages such as they are appearing now). Conversations will also be color-coded so that you can more easily identify the tweet of an original gray poster of all responding users in blue.

The most important change may be that the stock and engagement options will also be hidden when you go through your calendar. You will need to tap a tweet to display them in prototype mode.

Are these changes good?

Sure. Based only on reading these changes, they will feel a bit more like texting (and distinguishing original posters from replies is a good idea). Hiding the commitment is a bold decision, however. Sometimes you want to see the popular tweets for some reason and hide that by hiding this (how am I going to keep up with the latest memes?)

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How can I apply?

You can apply via the Twitter application form. According to TechCrunch, they only accept a few thousand applicants, most of whom will be English and Japanese. If you are accepted, you will receive an email within the next few weeks.

Once you are invited, you can send your comments as a closed form or by tweet to support staff.

Will these changes be applied to all users?

Perhaps! If you join the program, express your support (or disdain) for its new features and you will be able to see some of these changes on Twitter in a few months.

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