How to use Google Maps’ ‘Indoor AR’ Directions’ ‘


Google recently presented a list of new features of Google Maps Android and iOS users get this year. The first concerns the indoor RA directions for Live map view mode, which is being rolled out in some US cities.

Google says Live View’s artificial intelligence technology is now advanced enough to “understand the elevation and precise placement of objects inside a building.” Basically, the app can tell where the walls, stairs, doors and other objects are in an interior space, which allows you to navigate to your destination even if it is on a different floor or in a separate room.

Live View will provide indoor RA directions at select transit stations, airports, shopping malls, etc. However, at launch, the feature only works for a few shopping centers in the following cities:

  • Chicago
  • Long island
  • Angels
  • Newark
  • San Francisco
  • San jose
  • Seattle

Shopping malls, airports and transit centers in Tokyo and Zurich will be added in the coming months. Google plans to support even more locations in the future, but has not provided specific cities or a release schedule.

For now, if you find yourself in one of the few places that supports feature, open Google Maps and tap the “Live view” to start using indoor AR directions, or search for directions to your destination and select “Start AR.” The app will guide you to your target using arrows and waypoint markers.

Google has also announced several other features of Google Maps that are expected to roll out in the coming months:

  • New weather and air quality layers for the map screen, launch in Australia, India and the United States over the next few months.
  • Optimization of fuel-efficient driving routes. Launches in the U.S. this year, and slated for a global release later.
  • Alerts when driving in low emission zones. France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK will benefit from the feature first in June, followed by other countries later.
  • A redesigned transport selection in the directions menu, slated for a worldwide release this year.
  • A grocery pickup tool for some stores. The initial pilot is taking place this summer in Portland, Oregon, and will include select Fred Meyer stores.

You can know more about the directions of the live view inside and all the others newly announced features in the Google blog post.


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