How you (and your dog) can avoid snake bites – and what to do if you are stung


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The winter has been hot and humid this year in much of the United States. In most states, this means more greens, more rabbits, more rodents and more snakes – which increases the risk of snake bites for humans and their canine companions.

The biologist Gerad Fox is next to a strong rattlesnake. "Right now, he's in a classic hitting posture, very defensive," said Fox. "The rattle is a warning that says," Go back. I am dangerous. You should leave me alone. ""

Fox teaches biology classes at Loma Linda University in California and also runs training classes to avoid rattlesnakes.

I brought my dog, Baxter, into one of these classes, where he learned to recognize the sight and smell of snakes as a danger to avoid.

"Snakes are part of our ecosystem and deserve to be there," Fox said. They do not want to hurt us, he says, but if you or your dog stumble upon one of them by mistake, they will bite.

"Rattlesnakes can bite many times, they have a large reservoir of venom," says Fox.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 7,000 to 8,000 people are stung in the United States. About five of these people die. The CDC says that the number of deaths would be much higher if people did not seek medical care as quickly as possible.

There are four types of poisonous snakes in the United States. Coral snakes are found in wooded, sandy or swampy areas in the south. Water moccasins live in the southeastern states. The Copperheads, whose color varies from reddish to golden tan, are found in the eastern states. And rattlesnakes live in mountains, meadows, deserts and beaches – all over the country, including in Fryman Canyon Park, where Baxter and I enjoy hiking. It's the closest thing to the wilderness I have in my Los Angeles neighborhood.

Now that Baxter has received training on how to avoid rattlesnakes, I wanted to know what humans could do to reduce their risk of being stung. I therefore invited Emergency Specialist Mark Morocco to join me on a morning hike.

"Canyons and crossings in southern California are places where animals can be relatively quiet," says Morocco, who works at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

"Snakes are not going to chase you away, they are not chasing you," he says.

But if you accidentally walk on a snake, it will bite by reflex. "It's the majority of snake bites for hikers," said Morocco.

So, what is the best way to avoid being stung?

Stay on the trail

Rule # 1 when hiking in snake territory is to stay on the trail. "You want to be able to see your feet, see where you are heading," said Morocco. "Do not ride in the undergrowth on the edge of the trail because it is there that the snakes will find themselves and that they will be more difficult to see."

And if you are climbing, look where you put your hands. You do not want to catch a snake by mistake and surprise him.

Keep the dog on a leash

Like humans, dogs are more likely to get stung when they leave the trail. It is therefore best to keep your puppy on a leash. And in addition to registering your dog for a course on snake avoidance, there are snake vaccines available for dogs, so check with your veterinarian.

Do not wear flip flops

The next important consideration is what you have on your feet. "Most people would say that you should wear high-sided boots if you are in a place with a lot of snakes," said Morocco. "I just wish you had at least some shoes." He saw patients in his emergency department who were bitten barefoot. "We say:" You were barefoot or? & # 39; "

Wear long pants

This is difficult in hot climates, but wearing long pants can help as most people get stung at the bottom of the leg.

Keep an eye on the kids

Like dogs, kids are curious. They interact enthusiastically with their environment, look closely at things and often try to touch them.

"I have seen a number of patients in my career – small children who have been bitten in the dominant face or hand," said Morocco. "Because that's what kids do, they see this thing, they touch each other to touch it and bang! – they get bitten by a snake."

Snake bites can be more dangerous for children than for adults because they are smaller and often bitten on the face, which is more serious than a bite in the leg or hand. "Children get sick very quickly," said Morocco.

So what do you do if you or a loved one gets bitten?

You must receive medical treatment as soon as possible.

Call 911 immediately

The antivenom drugs are very effective, so if you get stung, go to the hospital as soon as possible. (And I hope your insurance company does not reserve a bad surprise.)

The antivenom (also called antivenom) attaches itself like a magnet to snake venom molecules and then allows the body to excrete it by urinating. Thus, patients receive a lot of fluids at the same time as the antivenom.

And if your dog is bitten, the best thing to do is to transport the puppy to the vet as quickly as possible. There is also an antivenom treatment for dogs.

Stay calm

Being bitten by a snake is like being vaccinated, says Morocco. The snake injects you with venom, and the stronger your heart beats, the faster the venom circulates in the body. Try to stay calm or even immobile, if possible, to keep venom as localized as possible in the area of ​​snake bites.

If you are bitten by hand or arm, do not lift it over your head. Hold it against your chest, near your heart, says Morocco. And if you have something to do in a sling to keep your arm still, do it.

If the bite is on your leg, it is best to stay flat so your leg is at the same level as your heart.

If it is not possible for an ambulance to reach you, you must get treatment as soon as possible. "If you have to walk or go out, do it," said Morocco.

And here are some tips that will tell you what to do if you are waiting for an ambulance or emergency medical technician: "Do not do anything you see in movies or on TV," said Morocco. "No tourniquet, no cut of an X on the wound and try to suck the venom." He says that these methods have no effect on the outcome of snake bites and may even make them worse.

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