Huawei postpones planned launch of a laptop in the middle of the US trade war


Huawei has indefinitely postponed the imminent launch of a new Windows laptop, confirmed to the CNBC the CEO of the consumer division, Richard Yu. The product was to be unveiled this week at CES Asia in Shanghai, but imposed trade sanctions by the US government limit Huawei's ability to use US products such as Microsoft software and Intel processors. The news was first reported by L & # 39; information.

Yu described the situation as "unfortunate" at CNBC, claiming that the laptop would have been unveiled this week without a release date, but Huawei's placement on the list of US entities has prevented the company from announcing the product. Whether the laptop is released or not will depend on how long Huawei will remain on the blacklist.

There are no technical details on the next laptop in the reports, beyond that, it's a new entry in the MateBook line. Huawei updated its popular MateBook X Pro line at the Mobile World Congress in February, while the mid-range MateBook 13 was presented at CES in January.

Digitimes reported earlier this week that Huawei was shutting down the production and development of notebooks. Microsoft remained silent on the subject, apart from removing Huawei's laptops from its online store.

Huawei suggested that storing proprietary components and technologies would mitigate the effect of US sanctions, and that the notebook division is only a small part of the company's business. But computers are currently Huawei's biggest consumer success in the US, and this retreat could be the most visible sign of the damage that the trade war is inflicting on society.

Huawei has not responded to a request for The edge for comment.

Updated 12 June 00h45 ET: Added confirmation of history by CNBC.


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