Scientists discover the composition of the mysterious dome located in the asteroid belt



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After reviewing the data provided by a NASA robotic spacecraft, scientists also discovered a "different from any other documented to date" plume that extends from the mantle of the planet to the dome.

Evidence uncovered by an international team of researchers allowed them to determine the probable composition of a large dome located on the surface of Ceres, a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt, according to

After analyzing the data provided by NASA's Dawn probe, scientists now think that the dome in question – a so-called Ahuna Mons, four kilometers high and seventeen kilometers wide – is made up of liquid sludge.

Further study of the data provided by Dawn has uncovered the evidence of a plume "like no other documented to date, and thus is a novelty in the solar system," which extends from Ceres' mantle to dome above, perhaps carried away slurry in the area where the dome was formed, notes the site.

Scientists have also observed that the dome was created "maybe a few hundred million years ago" because it contains very few craters.


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