Huge lava tubes on Mars and the moon could house everyday life, researchers say


The lava tubes under the moon’s and Mars’ soil are large enough to house planetary bases as humanity further explores the cosmos, a freshly printed journal says.

The investigation notes that the tubes are probably 100 and 1000 times their dimensions on Earth and can shield people from cosmic radiation. Tubes are also likely up to 100 feet wide and over 25 miles long.

“Lava tubes could exhibit stable shields against cosmic and solar radiation and the impacts of micrometeorites that typically occur on the surfaces of planetary bodies,” said study guide creator Franceso Sauro in a statement. . “In addition, they have tremendous potential to create an ecosystem in which temperatures do not change from day to night shift. Room companies are now intrigued by planetary caves and lava tubes, as they represent an initial phase towards future explorations of the lunar surface (see also NASA task Artemis) and towards the search for lifespan. (previous or current) in the basement of Mars.

(Credit: University of Bologna)

(Credit: College of Bologna)

The old MARS may well have been protected in ice, NOT in drinking water, review says

To perform with their findings, Sauro and the other scientists appeared in lava tubes in various regions of the Earth: Hawaii, the Canary Islands, the Galapagos Islands, Australia, and Iceland.

“We measured the dimension and gathered the morphology of the lunar and Martian collapse chains (collapsed lava tubes), working with digital terrain styles (DTMs), which we obtained via stereoscopic satellite photographs and altimetry laser taken by interplanetary probes, ”study co-author Riccardo Pozzobon added. “We then compared these details to topographic studies of collapse chains comparable to the Earth’s surface and to laser scans of the interior of lava tubes in Lanzarote and the Galapagos. This information made it possible to create a marriage restriction between the collapse chains and the underground cavities that are even now intact.

It is possible that the decrease in gravity on the Moon and Mars had an impact on the first volcanic exercises on them billions of years ago, which could clarify why the tubes are much larger than those seen on Earth.


Offering their sizing, the tubes on the moon could be “an extraordinary target for underground exploration and likely colonization in the vast, secure and secure environments of the lava tubes,” Pozzobon added.

The review was published in the scientific journal Earth-Science Opinions.

This is not the first time that scientists have proposed underground buildings on the Moon as a possible home for the lifestyle. In 2017, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency learned of a huge cave below the lunar zone, which it described as an “incredibly significant” find, thanks to its prize for every science and human magnification in the area.

NASA is preparing a return to the Moon in 2024, via its Artemis system, the successor to the Apollo method. In April, the region’s agency is scheduling specific programs to place a base on Earth’s natural satellite.

Scientists are learning about Mars’ past. A study published in March found that the purple planet had two separate historic reservoirs of water that at the time sank deep below the planet’s surface.

In May, perhaps, scientists discovered organic molecules from the previous 4 billion years made up of nitrogen in a Martian meteorite, suggesting that Mars could have been “blue” in its previous one, with water covering the surface. soil of the planet.

In June, researchers said that Mars could have been a ringed earth in its earlier history because one of its moons, Deimos, has a slightly altered orbit which implies that there was something responsible for its slight tilt.

NASA’s long-standing intention is to send a manned mission to Mars in the 2030s.



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