Hydrogen peroxide for earwax removal goes viral. Is it safe?


A viral TikTok video shows a woman pouring hydrogen peroxide into her ear to remove earwax – and although many of those who commented were skeptical of the hack, doctors said it was actually safe, with some caveats.

Maryland ENT otolaryngologist Dr. Angela Powell said hydrogen peroxide is an ingredient that can be used to remove earwax. Dr Seth Schwartz, an ENT doctor who wrote clinical guidelines on how to safely remove earwax, noted that many over-the-counter solutions for earwax contain hydrogen peroxide, although it is usually diluted. .

“The drops are definitely safe,” Schwartz said. “In general, (hydrogen peroxide) is a safe thing to have in your ear, it has positive qualities for your ear… it may be antibacterial and it helps with the general ear cleaning process.”

The two doctors were a little more hesitant to use undiluted hydrogen peroxide at full strength.

“Full strength hydrogen peroxide… can be somewhat abrasive to the skin, so it really shouldn’t be used at full strength,” Schwartz said, noting that irritation can lead to skin damage.

However, you can make a homemade solution by combining hydrogen peroxide with water.

“You were diluting it significantly, down to half or even less, with distilled or sterile water,” Schwartz said. “Put a few drops in the ear, leave it on for a short time (about ten seconds), then let it come out of the ear.”

Are there any risks associated with the use of hydrogen peroxide?

Powell said anyone with a hole or puncture in their eardrum should not use hydrogen peroxide or any other liquid to clean their ears.

“(If there is) a hole in the eardrum, the peroxide could potentially enter that space behind the eardrum and then cause them to feel dizzy or other potential problems,” Powell said.

If you are using hydrogen peroxide to remove earwax, it is also important to make sure you dry your ears completely afterwards.

“If the moisture persists, patients can develop a swimmer’s ear infection that most people have heard of while swimming and exposure to water,” said Powell.

What about cotton swabs or cotton swabs?

While many might think of cotton swabs as a safe way to clean earwax, doctors strongly advise against using them.

“Cotton swabs are discouraged because people tend to put them too far and cause irritation to the surface of the ear or rupture the eardrum and injure the small bones behind the ear (which can) cause hearing loss, ”explained Powell.

Schwartz pointed out that in addition to the risk of damage, cotton swabs can be ineffective and “tend to push the wax deeper into the ear canal” instead of cleaning it.

Powell also said that using cotton swabs can remove too much earwax from the ear, which means your ear is less protected against bacteria and other organisms.

“Wax is a protective coating that lowers the pH, so the pH of your ear canal is a bit more acidic, so bacteria, fungi, yeast and other organisms don’t end up overgrowing and causing infection. “, explained Powell. “We need some wax.”

What other options are safe?

In addition to the over-the-counter options, both Schwartz and Powell have suggested other home remedies that people can use to safely clean their ears.

Powell recommended using mineral oil, which can be purchased at most drugstores and can be placed in the ear with an eyedropper. A few drops should be used to avoid ‘flooding the ear’, but there is less risk of ear infection because there is less moisture. Powell said using this method will “soften the wax” and make it easier to remove with a washcloth or finger.

Schwartz said that even plain water can be used to remove earwax.

“(Earwax) is hydrophilic, which means water gets in it and breaks down,” he said. “Hydrogen peroxide is no more effective than water or water-based drops.… Water or saline can be put in the ear, left to sit in the ear for a few minutes while it softens the wax, then let it drain. “

Powell also pointed out that there is nothing wrong with asking for help.

“If you get to the point where you have a hard time cleaning the wax… you might need a professional to go in and take it off,” Powell said. “It is not a sign of weakness to seek help if you cannot get rid of it on your own.”



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