I do not tan but die of skin cancer – my body is riddled – the sun


A woman who dies of skin cancer said her diagnosis had been a shock – she never sunbathed.

Shellie Clark was told that she had melanoma – the most lethal form of the disease – five months ago.

    Melanoma was diagnosed at Shellie Clark five months ago


Melanoma was diagnosed at Shellie Clark five months agoCredit: Triangle News

The 38-year-old woman said that she had never loved the sun and feared that if it could happen to her, the "Love Island culture" would be the death of many young people.

She warned that the ITV2 issue could cause an increase in skin cancer cases, while young fans are trying to mimic the stars.

It was after Amy Hart, an islander, revealed on Loose Women that the girls on the show ignored the producers and refused to wear sunscreen.

This week, Fabulous launched its Dying For A Tan campaign, aimed at raising public awareness of the devastating impact of tanning beds on users' health.

Every year, about 16,000 new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the UK, and six Britons die every day.

Shellie, mother of Ethan, 15, and Joshua, 14, said, "All that Love Island promotes, is to be beautiful, but you have to be tanned.

"The goal is that you want to brown.

"Social media is also under pressure to be as beautiful as the body.

"I can imagine that skin cancer will increase in abundance in the next two years and that's a concern."

    The two-year-old mother has had three to four months to live, after her cancer has spread, leaving her body riddled


The two-year-old mother has had three to four months to live, after her cancer has spread, leaving her body riddledCredit: Triangle News


The most common sign of melanoma is a new mole or a change in an existing mole.

In most cases, melanomas have an irregular shape and come in many colors. The mole can also be bigger than normal and sometimes itch or bleed. Look for a mole that gradually changes shape, size and / or color.

The ABCDE Checklist should help you tell the difference between a normal mole and a melanoma:

  • Asymmetrical – melanomas have 2 very different halves and are irregularly shaped
  • Border – melanomas have a notched or shredded border
  • Colours – melanomas will be a mix of 2 or more colors
  • reiameter – most melanomas have a diameter greater than 6 mm (1/4 inch)
  • Enlargement or elevation – a mole that changes size over time is more likely to be a melanoma

Source: NHS

The former bar manager, Shellie, said her skin was so pale that she never tanned.

"I've never loved the sun, I've always kept it covered," she said.

"I have such a pale skin, and I knew very young that all I did was burn.

"I never tanned, so I never bothered to try.

"If it can happen to me, which has remained literally covered, it can affect everyone, especially the younger generation."

Shellie, of Maidenhead, Berks, noticed that a mole in the leg had changed, but she did not realize she had to be checked.

Then she ignored more warning signs – fat, cold, and was struggling down the stairs and finishing her sentences.

But when she noticed a ball above her left breast, Shellie decided to check.

    The 38-year-old girl said that because of her pale skin and burns when she was a child, she did not tan.


The 38-year-old girl said that because of her pale skin and burns when she was a child, she did not tan.Credit: Triangle News

Her doctor directed her to a breast clinic, where specialists performed tests revealing her skin cancer.

"When we were told that it was melanoma, I had to look for it," she said.

"I did not know anything about it, I assumed that all the signs would be on your skin and not inside your body."

Doctors initially gave Shellie between three and four months to live.

"I was told that I had to go home and put my things in order now," she said.

"I can not describe those few dark days with no future.

"But we are beyond the first prognosis, my first step was to reach the birthday of my son Joshua in May, so it was great.

"We just spent another birthday, my partner's birthday on Saturday."

Now she wants to raise awareness to prevent others from facing her ordeal.

"Everyone has moles, I have not had education and have not been adequately informed about the changes that are being made," she said.

"I really want to influence that.

"If I knew this little piece of information, it could have been 100% cured."

By the time the doctors detected Shellie cancer, it had already spread to the ovaries, adrenal glands, soft tissues, lymph nodes, lungs, chest wall, both breasts and his brain. .

Until now, she has stunned the doctors, living longer than the expected three months.

She is undergoing immunotherapy treatment to try to prolong her life and prolong her longer with her children.


There are an estimated 7,000 tanning salons in Britain, some of which offer sessions of 50 people per minute.

Children as young as eight use sunbeds, with apparently little understanding, they play Russian roulette with their health.

According to Cancer Research UK, the risk of skin cancer associated with melanoma is 16 to 25% higher in people who have used a tanning bed (at any age) compared to people who have never used beds tanning.

This is because tanning beds protect the skin from such UV rays that increase the risk of developing malignant melanoma – the most serious form of skin cancer.

Only 20 minutes on one is comparable to four hours in the sun – with many more rays more powerful than the Mediterranean at noon.

In many cases, the damage is invisible until it is too late, which can take 20 years before it becomes apparent.

Every year, about 16,000 new cases of melanoma skin cancer are diagnosed in the UK, 44 each day.

There are approximately 2,300 melanoma skin cancer deaths each year, more than six per day.

This is one of the reasons why the World Health Organization has found that tanning beds are as dangerous as smoking.

That's why Fabulous says it's time to stop dying for a tan.

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