ICE: A woman who attacked a man wearing a MAGA hat was illegally in the United States


FALMOUTH, Massachusetts – A woman accused of disorderly conduct after physically confronting a man as part of the "Make America Great Again" operation was illegally in the country, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The incident occurred earlier this month at a restaurant in Falmouth, Massachusetts, near Cape Cod. Bryton Turner was recording a video when Rosiane Santos went over and toppled MAGA's hat and confronted her verbally, police confirmed at CBS 4 in Boston.

Turner said that he was trying to eat his meal when Santos grabbed the hat.

Santos was arrested for a charge of disorderly conduct. On Tuesday, a spokesman for ICE confirmed that "deportation agents … had arrested Rosiane Santos, a Brazilian citizen illegally present" near Falmouth.

According to ICE, she faces local charges for assault and other offenses, but she has also been engaged in a referral proceeding to the federal immigration courts.


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