Overwatch: Baptiste's abilities and gameplay revealed via PTR


Baptiste is OverwatchNew Hero, and he is a support character capable of distributing himself a decent amount of damage. Not only does it help his allies stay alive, but his ultimate amplifies their damage, and one of his gadgets can keep them alive thanks to the damage done by the enemy. His kit is one of the most daring that Blizzard has added to Overwatch nowadays. It is only available on PC version public test servers, so changes may occur when players can try it.

The primary fire of Baptist is Medic SMG. It is a three-shot weapon capable of inflicting considerable damage.

His alternating shot is Biotic Launcher. Biotic Launcher does not share ammunition with Medic SMG. He fires projectiles, similar to those of Zarya's fire, which heal the allies near the point of impact. Biotic Launcher does not cure Baptiste.

His passive ability is Exo boots. Baptiste can squat to charge a boost, which propels him into the air. It is not primarily an engagement, nor an escape; it is mainly used by Baptiste to set up attacks and reposition himself.

Regenerative burst is the bread and butter of Baptist as a healer. He activates a healing effect on time for himself and his close allies. It's not an aura; other allies can leave Baptiste's camp and continue to recover from the refreshing burst.

Overwatch - Baptiste defends his team with a field of immortality.

Baptiste deploys Immortality Field, heals D.Va and Soldier: 76
Blizzard Entertainment

Field of immortalityBaptiste's second ability is perhaps the most powerful non-ultimate ability in the game. Baptiste uses a device to create a field that prevents allies from dying. They can not go below 20% health. The generator, like the Orisa compressor, can be destroyed. According to Blizzard, this is currently about eight seconds, although it may change. This ability is a powerful means of countering abilities such as Junkrat's RIP tire or D.Va's self-destruction, as it prevents the team from being killed by a stroke.

Finally, the ultimate Baptist is Amplification Matrix. Baptiste creates a matrix that doubles the damaging and healing effects of all the friendly projectiles that pass through it. That includes everything from Ana's healing grenades to Reinhardt's Fire Strike.

Overwatch - Baptist establishes his ultimate.

Baptiste uses Amplification Matrix, reinforcing the damage of Tracer and Ashe
Blizzard Entertainment

Cosmetic items such as skins and sprays, as well as interactions with other characters, usually occur after the character's initial tests. However, we know that Baptiste is Baptiste's voice and that non-English voice lines are included for some outgoing calls.

Baptist is obviously powerful when he is combined with remote characters. This is especially true with Ana. Baptiste corrects his weaknesses by being able to heal her and increases her strengths with ultimate care and projectile polishing. Baptiste seems to be struggling to fit into the current heavy meta of GOATS. Unlike Brigitte, the last published medium, it was not designed to counter or help a particular composition; Instead, the developers are eager to see how it fits into the game.


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