If allergies and air at home bother you, here's what to do


When spring comes, it's a pleasure to open your windows and feel the fresh air. Soon it will be summer and we will lock ourselves again.

This ritual raises a question: what is healthier – the outside air or the indoor air?

They are linked, of course. The air inside our homes comes from outside and can carry pollen or pollutants, such as those produced by combustion engines. Indoor sources can be added to tobacco smoke, cooking, mold spores, dust and pet dandruff.

A well-sealed house can allow this mixture of particles to focus more on the inside than on the outside.

For good health outcomes, "the important thing is to catch small particles," says Stuart Batterman, a scientist in environmental health at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health.

Particles 2.5 millimeters or less – called fine particles, 2.5 or PM2.5 – are small enough to penetrate deep into the lungs and sometimes into the blood. Fine particles are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency as they can cause health problems.

A high particle content can be associated with serious consequences, such as asthma attacks, heart attacks and premature deaths in people with heart or lung disease. Affected individuals may experience respiratory tract irritation, difficulty breathing and coughing.

The most vulnerable are asthmatics, especially children because their airways are smaller, and older people with respiratory conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or emphysema or heart disease.

The first thing to do is try to remove the source of the irritants, says Brian Christman, pulmonologist and spokesperson for the American Lung Association.

While air filters may be useful, says Christman, who is also the head of the health department of the Tennessee Valley Veterans Affairs Health System in Nashville, "they are among the top four or five priorities in the quality of life. 'air".

"If you are allergic to cats and you have five at home, an air filter will not help you," he says.

Unless you get rid of pets, you can keep them out of your bedroom. If mold is a problem, you'll want to dry out the wet areas, whether it's repairing leaks or seepage, or using an exhaust fan to shower.

Use the fan on your stove when cooking over high heat, such as grilling or blowing. Reducing the humidity in your home makes it less favorable for mold and mites. Specialty mattress pads and pillows can reduce dust mite exposure.

Christman also suggests avoiding corrosive cleaning products such as ammonia and bleach. "These things are difficult for your airways, especially if you have sensitive airways," he says. Stick to more natural cleaners such as vinegar and baking soda.

Once the source control is managed, a good air purifier can help filter out what's left over.

Air purifiers can remove airborne particles from inside your home. There are two basic configurations: a portable device or HVAC system adaptation at the house or building level. Standalone devices, also known as air purifiers, circulate air in a room and retain particles. If you have a forced-air heating and cooling system, this system does the same for all your rooms and you can improve the system filter to improve particle removal.

A study conducted in 2012 tested portable air purifiers in low-income households of asthmatic children. The air filters used in the children's room reduced the suspended particles by an average of 50%. But families did not use the devices in a systematic way.

Batterman, who co-authored the study, says that portable air purifiers produce noise and that those who use them must change the filters. "They do a reasonable job for a small area," he says, like a bedroom.

Those who look forced should take advantage of this system to clean the air throughout the house, says Batterman. You already have a filter; for cleaner air, you need to improve it to better catch small particles. And you have to change it regularly – every three months is a common recommendation.

According to Batterman, the cheapest filters are worthless for particle capture. It recommends a pleated filter with a minimum value or equal to 13, according to the Performance Performance Index (MERV) (as well as the EPA). MERV 13 filters cost between 15 and 20 US dollars.

The filter works whenever the system fan is running and the windows are closed. This means during the heating or cooling season; or you can activate the fan mode. The new thermostats have a mode that alternates the fan, allowing you to enjoy filtering without running the system constantly.

"If you have a child with asthma or allergies, it's pretty effective," says Batterman. And if you avoid a visit to the emergency room or a missed work day, the most expensive filter is cost effective.

Some things to watch out for: Do not use air filters that have an electric field. Called air ionisers or electronic filters, they create ozone, harmful to health. (A bit out of the question, but radon is another invisible health hazard – it's best to test your home – the Greater Washington area is in a high-risk radon zone.)

Specific air quality problems can also provide additional reasons to filter the air in your home, such as forest fires. The hot spots of air quality can be viewed daily on the EPA website, AirNow.gov.

But unless your state of health requires that you pay close attention to the quality of indoor air, you really do not need an air filter.

Batterman says he is not a supporter of super clean spaces. Christman says that ordinary dirt and dust are not bad for you. It has been proven that growing up in very clean environments is linked to the increasing number of autoimmune and allergic disorders, although specific culprits have not been identified.


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